What on earth is wrong with CF admins?
12 May 2010, 19:42
can they simply do whatever floats their boat?
is there no "standard" or rules those guys have to obey?
this is sad...
is there no "standard" or rules those guys have to obey?
this is sad...
if not you might just want to not be a prick
edited to make you a happy camper
"ich liebe meinen kuli sehr".
and ye, rot is red. tot is dead. so ur dog is preferably rot than tot.
"ich hasse meinen kuli sehr" if you hate it.
couldnt come up with another verb that would fit ^^
nach einer ausführlich belehrung hatte ich aber kein verlangen
wo wir gerad dabei sind"
"in deutsch" klein
"im Deutschen" groß
"Unterricht in Deutsch erhalten"
in Deutsch i.S.v. in der Sprache Deutsch
wie dem auch sei, du darfst gern der grammarnazi von uns beiden sein ;)
PM'ed him twice for asking a reason, even wrote he could say he didn't want to tell why, just wanted a short reply.. but he read both PM's and decided not to respond at all.
How shall I subscribe that? Me as an annoying member?