Online Poker players..

Simple question, any of you ever use some odd calculating software, such as Texas Calculatem? Do they work with most online clients?

As much as I suck (rarely play/general mong) i'd rather not use one, but i do know some people who struggle with maths that it might help.


image: thomas-the-tank-engine-is-a-fleshlight
math is overrated in poker
If that's true, then logic is overrated in chess. And speed is overrated in 100 meter dash.
Wouldn't say so.
I recommend Hold'em Manager. It is better than Pokertracker or Pokeroffice and works with most common poker rooms.

However, it will not really help you with the math. The main purpose is to track your opponents style of play and be able to analyze your own play (weaknesses, leaks, etc.)
Thanks, although for 90$ i guess they wont be interested, any alternatives?
I don't know any real good/useful poker third party software that is free.
holdem manager
im using mine for free as an endless trial version
downloaded this cracked version from a russian torrent site
+who the fuck pays for programms/music/movies
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