SLAC is americas governments program

* Who will have access to the user database?

Only me and the SL management. Of course I have all the encrypted log files, so I can check if any adjustments have been made to any record in the database. SL won't be able to tamper with the database without my knowledge.

hes going to see every thing in your computer even the gayporn movies etc ?

hes stealing all your nerds wow accounts and your 2 facebook friends who accidently added you as a buddy.

and he will take all your monies from your bank accounts ( yeh thats why he made this program, like anyone would like to make an anticheat for old game from 1k e )

now these communists are going to bann me and FBI coming to my door coz i published this :<
he gets money for making it u know
yeh 1000 euros and after emptying your bank accound he has 1002 euros
u sure?
can he steal my bankcard via the internet :o?
hax is almighty!
only kamz is almighty
then kamz is hax
you're wrong
hax plays with kamz !
Chuck Norris doesnt play with Kamz. Kamz plays with Chuck Norris.
no !!! i have to read some chuck norris jokes again, cuz i'm bored ..
i hate you
you should be thankful.
cuz if I am right, you arent bored cuz of me, but cuz of some unknown reason. and reading ChN jokes will help kill boredom for a while.
am I right? ;)
ye, i was bored, cuz of unknown reason, but you made me remember for ChN jokes, and when i almost searched for it, i get the idea, that i should read jokes) instead of ChN jokes, but now, i'm tired, tomorrow i have to go to school and i read the whole time instead of sleeping + 30 mins, so now, i'm not really that thankful, but anyway thanks !
well,sleep is useless anyway! dont overrate it! XD
hehe :D
well, i have to agree with you, and i doN't know why, but if i sleep like 2-3-4 hours, then i'm not tired at all, but if i sleep more than 6 hours, then i'm tired as hell ...
fuck it, i'm going to sleep now, good night :D
well,I am tired if I sleep something between 4 and 12 hours. if I sleep less or ~ 4 hours, I am pretty aware and with nice,clean mind.. but it doesnt take long and I am tired.. also my reflexes (ingame) go down.. when I sleep something between, I cant think good whole day.. and if I sleep over 12 hours, my reflexes are best, but cant focus on anything long XD
ye, almost the happing with me
but now i'm tired, when i slept 6~ hours
its really shit, cuz i almost fell asleep at the school..and now i'm tired...
I slept 4 hours.
whole day I am happy eventho I pissed up important exam :XD
there isn't any important exam ;)
i'm bored so i'm gonna read some jokes, or ChN facts ^^
run bitch ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun
sir, visit a doctor!
It doesn't run any processes when it's not turned on, so I'm quite content it's not a virus.
yeh when you turn it on to play... it will punish you and your family"! and your unborn childs
so 1001 euro and he makes it for me?
most likely hes going to take your wow account full of 80 lvl guys
ok, i think i reached the people-think-i-play-MMORPG-games-24/7-that's-why-he-can-troll-so-hard-level.

but i don't...
Then don't use it HenQ
well, it's useless anyway, does not detect stuff it should.
it detects your child porn files :<
I promise it wasn't me.
cheaters are already making up excuses? :DD
but pls... i already talked to pale and he said it scanned all hes files... i think this is pretty obvious. like guy whos made hax and selled em would like to help now ?
When you get paid that much, it doesn't surprise me he helps us now.
DUH HURR you would pretty much instantly notice it scanning all your files by a sudden increase in system usage.
true+ speedlinks team can cheat now w/o getting published as busted and by that sl earns moneyz to get their 1k euro back
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