Need help with new PC

So i want to build a new pc myself.
I want to buy all parts and put it toghetter with a friend.
Now i have made a list of parts i think i need but as in what brand/type etc etc i need i have no clue. All i know is that my budget for the case and its components are about 600-650 euro and then i have to be able to play the latest games and for atleast a year or 2 the coming games.

So i was wondering is there any1 who can help me with this or wants to give me advice. Please add my Xfire : dssgentwouters or leave me a msg with ure msn in my inbox

no rndmpic = muchos help
* CPU : Intel Core i5-750

* Cooler: Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro Rev. 2

* Mainboard :ASRock P55 Pro

* Ram : G.Skill RipJaws DIMM Kit 4GB PC3-10667U CL7
~ 90€

* Graphiccard : Sapphire Radeon HD 5770, 1024MB

* Power Supply: Corsair CX 400W
~ 43€

* HD :Western Digital Caviar Blue 640GB
~ 48€

* Laufwerk : LG Electronics GH22NS50 bulk
~ 17€

* Case : Sharkoon Revenge Economy
~ 31€


They have a lot of knowage and the setup is rly good for it's performance/price. Otherwise there is also an AMD-Setup if you prefer AMD to Intel :D
would that setup be enough to run a game like bfbc2 on the highest graphics or any coming game for the next 2 years?:D
well 650 euros aren't that much for buying some good hardware.. and you should buy a newer graphiccard like the Radeo HD 5850/5870 or the Gforce 480 or 470.
Well, this graphiccard can Run BF:BC2 at highest graphic but I don't know at how much FPS .. I don't want to guess a number or sth and I won't disappoint you if my number is totally wrong :D
The other parts are pretty good for its price/performance. You can also stick to a 1TB HD if you like to. At the end it is your decision what hardware you buy

DON'T BUY A BUILDED SYSTEM - do it yourself :D
because their components aren't really good balanced and pretty often they are too old or too bad :)
ye that i dont need to buy a pre-build i know. But to assemble something ureself is rather difficult since everything has different parts it should fit in like every cpu needs different motherboard and if u take the wrong speed ram memory or gfx card in combo with ure cpu then it will fuck up aswel. so im trying to figure out whats best etc etc.
yeah.. just be careful or ask in a nerd-forum.. The CPU's Socket/Sockel (dunno the word for it) needs to fit with the motherboard and also look that the motherboard is able to run DRR3 and also PCI-e (but that's recommended nowadays) because it will be zeeh futureeez
Every cpu dosent need a diffrent motherboard and it dont matter the speed of the ram either that WONT make it fuck up. The vast majority of motherboards work with any recent intel cpu from last couple of years and your ram speed dosent make a diffrence any newish and even older ram will work with nearly all new motherboards going around.
it does aply to as i would for example use the 2GB ram in my pc in combination with i5 750 and with my old 8800 GTS 640MB then if im correct the brand spanking new i5 cpu will adjust its speed to the old parts since they cant go anyfaster and the i5 can go slower
That dosent make sense at all lol . Your cpu wont change speed just becuase of your gpu and ram
the i5 750 runs @ 2.66ghz and no matter what ram you put in there it wont change to a lower speed all by itself it will stay at 2.66ghz
HD 5880

you mentioned a video card called the HD 5880... that doesn't exist... its either a 5850 or 5870.
Ding trekt spel wel goed... Sowieso Medium op +-70fps
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