SLI or not?!

So imthinking of building a new pc.
Now im trying to figure out what exactly SLI is , so far i understood that it is a extra function(if u wanna call it like that) where u can work with 2 GFX cards instead of one.

This is more expansive to buy.. so my question is ; is it worth it ? (aiming for a low budget 600-700 euro max for all components) will it make a big difference?

If not wich card would i buy wich is equal to this or better or gives a a better performance/price average?

So far i've selected the i5 750 2.66 ghz processor (1156 socket) with a ASROCK h55 deluxe/pro (depending on if i need SLI or not..

thnx in advance
image: GoudenBikini
SLI means you have two NVidia videocards. You don't really need it because your processor will be a bottleneck in that case.
600-700 euro
single card with higher performance >>>> sli with cheaper and worse cards, many games don't support sli + it doesn't give you 100% boost (compared to a single card) in ANY game
SLI is useless
any advice on wich gfx card i should take to run most of the games on high settings for the next 2 years? budget for card @ 200-250 euro (cheaper prefered if possible duh)
Radeon 5850, definitely worth buying if you want to spend around 250€
any other cards wich a good for the next 2 years in a lower price range?
radeon 5830/gtx 275, radeon 5770/gtx 260 if you need something really cheap, but I dunno if they'll do the job in 2011/2012 :P
so a 5830/gtx275 could last for 2 years but a 5770/gtx 260 wouldnt?
Dude, he is not a fairy, but seeing as they perform in nowadays games you will need a Radeon 5850.
i know he aint a faiiry but as it seems that i know shit about the new gfx cards its not wrong to ask right? im trying to get to know what the best price/performance cards are since my budget isnt all to big..
Radeon 5850
even my 8800GT runs everything on highest currently, except for crysis it should be hard to find a nice gfx for that
even a hd4870/gtx 260 + should to the trick
had it at some point, didn't really like much (and I paid 500e+ for either card, really would rather just have that money now)
what gfx card would u advise , i would like to play the upcomming games for around 2years at high settings?
Chelmianin is right. If you want a GFX which will be able to run all games in high settings at a pretty high resolution, than the Radeon 5850 is a minimum.
the nvidea varriant would be the 470/480 then?
There is no Nvidia alternative. Ati is mileages ahead of Nvidia in this price range currently.
like vib says, atm it's better to pick Ati
and personally I'd choose 5870, but prolly also 5850 would do
Not necessary for gaming :)

that card any good ? there are so many different versions of each card really dont know the difference between a club3d or a asus hd5850 this goes for each of the cards (gtx260/275 , hd5770/hd5830/hd5850) all have so many brands and different versions xD wich is good and which isnt?:P
gast, voor 600-700 euro gewoon voor AMD gaan. Heb voor mn ouders zo een pc in elkaar gedraait en ding loopt super (ook BFBC2).

AMD Phenom II X4 955
4Gb DDR3
Gygabyte 785nogiets
5770 1Gb

Was iets van 750 kwijt incl. full hd scherm
Met zo een klein budget moet je niet voor intel gaan ;)
sli, crossfire ... waste of money...
HD5770 best price / performance
sli performance is too low and you often can't get the 100% out of boths card because games doesn't support it pretty well and the electronic they need is just too much and it's too expensive .. Better buy one good gfx because SLI is overrated 8-)
Don't get an ASRock motherboard, they suck. reV posted a perfect spec for you yesterday why don't you go with that? and maybe if you want a better graphics card swap it out for a 5850.
that spec had the Asrock h55 pro mobo :D but ye im kinda going along the lines of that spec...just figuring out if instead of intel i shoudl go for AMD since it seem to be cheaper...

i5 750 @ 2.66 ghz 165,00 euro
amd phenom II X4 965 @ 3.4 GHZ 166,66 euro
oh so it was ha! just checked it again, well i'd swap out the asrock mobo to I had one years ago and it was really bad, maybe they've improved over the years.

Have a look at they have a forum and people will post different specs for you if you give them a price, and what your gonna use the computer for.
i registered on that forum but they dont allow me to see their forum..only when im logged-off i can see the forum but not post. When i log in , i get a message saying i dont have the priveleges to see /post in the forums:S
oh you probably need to be confirmed by an admin, they are normally pretty quick to accept them
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