Destiny fucking awsome!
14 May 2010, 13:06
You are beautiful and very strong. Cool body and youre homo :X
15 cm biceps size :X
15 cm biceps size :X
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
why did i look at their trousers
i won't fall for the same excuse twice, it's your IP and nothing else counts.
IP From PBBans:
I act on evidence not stories
soNti 2010-05-10 16:05:44 forum
soNti 2010-05-10 16:07:36 forum
soNti 2010-05-10 16:30:00 forum
soNti 2010-05-11 12:52:02 forum
soNti 2010-05-11 21:54:51 journal
soNti 2010-05-12 11:29:27 journal
soNti 2010-05-12 11:29:56 journal
soNti 2010-05-12 11:36:08 journal
soNti 2010-05-12 11:52:01 forum
you used this IP before and during our offi on ETTV, and then you told me "i am going to my friend" and then you got busted at 1/2 am, and then in the morning you used that ip again, after i made the bust topic your ip went back to the old one :)
buying more than one internet?
cheating at your friend?
friend cheating at your pc?
you tell me, you're the one that should know how you got that ip.
I tolt you i go to a friend i went to him to go outside but he didnt want to becus hes younger than me and his parents didnt want him so went to my girlfriend if you need proofs about that tell me
this guy knows allot about me cuz i know him since i live in haarlem
msn password
hyves password
clanbase password
cf password ccuz his cf account is banned password (lol)
and allot more can give you all the website if needed
becus of problems home i live ther allot to
thnx to me this guy played ET i thought he quited i dont know that he still played it i played with him @ NerdZz his name was shade
ther brothers and they share ther pc Darian&Diego
around 12:00 i was home after comming from my cf if you need his xfire
from shade its : joko380
if you need proofs from my mom or gf np lol
this story does makes sense, but how many times did i tell you not to trust anyone with your passwords and stuff :|
ther allot younger than me but i have a realy good contact with his dad
this is me 3months ago:
zitte in de eerste fzo:D
so i can trust them but i wont allow them to check cf on my profile but they need to unban his account :/
you posted at:
soNti 2010-05-11 12:52:02 forum
soNti 2010-05-11 21:54:51 journal
[22:11:23] [bSTURZ|brAun] bb
[22:11:24] [Killerboy] bb
Session Close: Tue May 11 22:11:25 2010
your friend lives 20 minutes away from you i guess, and at 12:50 you were at your friend in the morning
you can write the topic with the explanation, i checked irc logs aswell and your story does make sense.
my sunglasses
got this ip for a long while