économie lesson :<

hey guys
ive got 2 hold a complete question about the question "why do we need an E.U"...so i need some advantages/disadvantages about the E.U.
would be nice if you could help me :)

THX in advance

no shitty borders
euro? strong currency
1 union, central politics, economic etc.
gl mit deinem vortrag
ty :) werd ich brauchen
we don't.
+ one currency
+ better trading bonds/rules
+ cooperation against crime
+ stronger position against other world economies
+ easier to work all over Europe

- ineffiency aka waste of money by bureaucracy/politics
- good/strong countries have to support lowbird countries
- no real borders is heaven for criminals
- a general set of laws can't be applied to all countries cause of too large differences
- low budget workers ruin the job market
easier to smuggle drugs.
we don't, it's a fucking cancer.
keep fucking romanians out our country

all they do is beg and steal
+ Du bekommst Geld vom internationalen Währungsfonds, wenn du Pleite gehst :)!
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