Had a funny dream tonight

Dreamed that I was hanging around with United KingdomTosspoT, talked about some shit I can't remember anymore, he introduced me to his girlfriend "Louise", then we said goodbye.
I was like "Wait, since when does TosspoT speak german?" and then the dream became lucid, I flied around for fun and a bird pissed me off and I fell to the ground and woke up.

was it a wet dream?
Toss came :D
Thas was an intresting dream, sir.
when i dream about tosspot i dream in english...
everything gets dubbed in germany, they are too lazy to learn other languages.
thats ironic
I remember that once I had dream that I found Fritzl, Hans Frank and Hussein drinking tea in my garden. I wanted to shoot them with my pistol but I was too scared. Ended with that I was drinking with them.
I dreamt I was partying with one of my chick friends last night in her house since she has such an awesome party house. Shame she moved away a month ago, though :(
Was this really worth posting ?
Maybe it was a vision! It's important for people to know that Toss speaks german and has a girlfriend called Louise.
so you were talking about shit, you flew, and a bird pissed on u?
I remember I was in a secret room for a nerd meeting as Marseillenerd captain with our queen United States of AmericaazuKi we were setting up a plan to control the world. There were other nerds of course since it was a meeting.
ET means sooo much for u thats sooo sweet !
I remember attending school in Supply Depot. Our classroom was the crane room and Killerboy climbed on the roof of the depot and got yelled at. I woke up when I realized that it's impossible to climb there, the skybox blocks you.
Sounds legit.
I have made an illustration

image: bj92sca90yr8yplfs
I think he is motherfuckin' hackin'.
english dreams or gtfo
I ran around naked all day and it felt great
I dreamt sth funny, dunno what, but I remember waking up, because I was laughing out loud.

Or I hate when I dream about sth really nice, waking up totally happy and realizing after 5 minutes that it was just a dream.
life is a dream
I had a dream about having sex all night with skydeh's mom :>
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