becoming a skinhead!

at 6 pm i was like this:

image: 31415_391546242978_628757978_4056345_5811870_n

and 2 hours later i looked like diz:

image: 31415_391546252978_628757978_4056346_7255020_n

first time in my life my hair is that short
becoming a skinhead polak
keep old hairz plz
get your blazer tailored, also jeans + blazer = tryhard.
my blazer is perfectly fine with its slim fit 48
jeans blazer = tryhard? i doubt that, actually i didnt have any more clothes since they were all wet from the machine when i came back home.
i decided to mix some clothes up and thats what happened :D
ye well then its the cut of the blazer, the waist doesnt really look slim fit.
you got bonuspoints for not wearing a graphic tee tough :3
are you saying you cant wear a blazer with jeans?
no you can do that , its just like wayfarer sunglasses and chucks ... ppl think they look classy but fail hard.

beside that i would go for a sportcoat instead of a blazer.
there are outfits that are socially accepted (e.g blazer and jeans) and some that aren't (e.g blazer and camouflage army pants)

the rest is opinion,in my opinion

just lol
I think it can look nice even if esquire tells me I'm sooo wrong.
esquire just explained that there is a diffrence between suitjacket , blazer and sportcoat :o

and i was just giving my opinion , a more business lookin blazer and jeans dont go well imo
No hard feelings ^_^
Welcome to the club!!! Short head is the best(grow a little chin hair and u might look as cool as me!)
Ofc u had more hair when u was sperm
y i had image: 28965_389542802978_628757978_4016761_1856107_n

llook hiar 3 years old XD
image: 5689_97723777978_628757978_2003289_3427884_n

my hair is awesome tbh.
its not ben.
my name isnt ben :<
wow look out girls. He looks so handsome J*** I am a very proud aunty. Squige looks good too! x
thats my cat in the background :DD
Clean your room!
its the anteroom, my room looks much much worse
Shaving your head doesn't make you a skinhead.
it does actually, just not in a political way
The "political way" is the right way
politics are homo : )
rename; becoming terminal
was this really necessary?
stupid move
Looks much better without hair!
for some people .. like you.. this doesnt suit and im not trollin :P
better with hair :PP
much better, less like a filthy hippy

e: although as a skinhead you shouldn't let guys put their arm around you!
went from having style to being gay, not really an improvement.
Look like you have cancer.
bad move
before was better
nice nose xD
first one was better :|
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