Music school project

Well this girl in my class made this song and i got to make the cd cover for it :p
You should listen to Hey dad, the 2 other tracks aint that good..

(Hey dad is dedicated to her father)

Give the girl some page hits now :)
Quote(Hey dad is dedicated to her father)
just to let some of the ppl to know the song aint just some random words ;)
now if you wrote (Hey dad is dedicated to her boyfriends cock) this journal would be a 10/10 but ill give you a 3/10 for now
haha funny bro!..
sounds like mr. obvious touched this journal
how can i play this song?
edit: nvm found out already
I'm a better singer
did u also get to take naked pictures of her for the cover?
if so: i demand to share!
my wank material!
just sayin...
i hope for u that ur not the asexual nice guy from nextdoor who gets to take salacious pictures of her but youll always stay in "friend zone". that would suck.
Im not, i really cant be close friend with a girl :D those relations always end in the bad way hehe :)
thats also sad.
there are girls i like around me, enjoy the company and a good talk but id never ever do them.
girls can be good friends
:DDDDDD its funneh when you hear it, but i got the same like him, am I gay aswell? But i would do them, i know 3 girls i can talk with good, but i would do them aswell so care :D
sadly they would never do you:/
you dont know me/them, pls move
uhh sorry for hitting a sore point there
a point? you dont hit anything since you dont know me. If you did know me you wouldnt know the girls, keep trying
desperate enough to screw every girl u can get ur hands on?
sad bro, sad.
2k10 nerd.
limited vocabulary. sensational in failing to use it.
this was NOT a troll, even if you wish it was.
The music is 'okay'
sucks actually
Well not that amazing, I can hear the potential but something is missing 8)
annoying voice
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