Which of these?

Siberia v2 : http://www.verkkokauppa.com/popups/prodinfo.php?id=48378

Speedlink Medusa NX 5.1: http://www.verkkokauppa.com/popups/prodinfo.php?id=10789

Steelseries 5H: http://www.verkkokauppa.com/popups/prodinfo.php?id=33447

What is difference about USB and non-USB headphones.

Any others you recommend?
QuoteWhat is difference about USB and non-USB headphones.

one uses USB and the other doesn't
Ach ja, der gute alte Alfred.
Ich kann mich noch daran entsinnen wie Wir beide mit seiner just erfundenen Sprenggelatine sein Frauenzimmer zum Tode erschrocken haben.
Why do people buy like £60 headphones.. I got mine from shop for £5 and I gurantee it's better than those 3. Save your money and buy a cheap headset max £20
You are so wrong
you are so wrong.
damit you are wrong
You are so wrong
You couldnt be more wrong
Just filling your inbox
Could you be more wrong?
Next time steal a more expensive pair.
I guarantee you can't be more wrong.
lolz so wrong
i guess youre wrong, too
i see what u did there
wrong you are, young padawan.
what hirvi, huumeantti, ^pala, pletker, fisken, tnemele, laura93, walter, infi_, panda, joeyy and sticker said.
i prefer this one:
got it and its awsome makes me hear anystep you make ;p
I have speedlink medusa's and theyre awesome.

THIS ONE!!!!112123412353457568

image: message%20mouse%201
Step away from the gaming brands and buy some real shit. Sennheisers, beyerdynamics, AKGs, Grados, Audio Technica, there's a whole world of audible awesome out there just waiting for you.
Listen to this nerd.
This nerd is always online. This nolifer knows what he is talking about. Listen to the one who has no life.
ouch, that hurts
Which ones do you recommend of beyerdynamics nad AKGs
That's a matter of taste. Get on http://www.head-fi.org, lots of peeps on there who knows much more than me about this. Anyways, trust your own ears. If it sounds good to you, then where is the problem?
Well, i have fatal1ty but apparently mic is not working and sometimes headphones fucks up sometime and also fatal1tys are so damn HOT, when you wear them like 2 hours you are sweating like hell:s
USB headphones have their own sound card, non-USB dont...
shit headsets/headphones are shit
speedlink shit is crap.. steelseries is nice but i dont like the mic (somehow i cant get the right point between beeing heard and every tiny noise is to hear ^^) siberia just looks ugly.. no idea about quality
inb4 get sennheisers and a table mic
Fatal1ty is decent, and not that expensive.
i don't get it, why u have to spent over 60e for some headphones :-D
if i were you, i would go for the steelseries 5H
USB headsets just simulate HD surround sound, but in my opinion its not worth the money to buy a headset with a USB card, because to get its full use you need a good sound card on your motherboard and without one you wont hear much difference between the normal version and the usb version of the headset. well thats just my opinion :D
The best headset ever is the Plantronics audio .355.
30 euros max :)
siberia 1000000%
sennheiser pc 150 or 160, not too expensive and superb sound and quality
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