why germany sux

they simply can't leave anything alone, they put dubbing into everything... good enough they leave some songs in english

ruining classic scene with their fucked up language -.-

not to mention what they do to South Park and other cartoons

i know what you mean.

makes my dick curl up aswell.
and why Hans_ have sex with gays ? coming soon
Robaciek and sex? nigga plz :D
but ...

"thats why belgians can't use the panzerfaust, because the germans just showed them how" - TosspoT
yeah you should stick to panzerfausts instead of translating movies
1. im not german
2. its physically impossible to "translate a movie"

but ye, i'll just nod and agree (Y)
Quotegerman sux

cant be
Not the only reason why germany sucks.
Have to say though, saying SCHEISSE or Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän just sounds awesome in german, from a greek point of view at least where the language feels completely different.
i would go fucking crazy if they dubbed everything in dutch.
same goes for france, italy, spain etc...
well, yeah, the german dubbed stuff sucks :XD
dubbing is allways fail
Funniest german dubbed voices I heard are on Lost
whats the name of this movie?
Tenacious D-The Pick Of Destiny
Love the South Park dubbing. Original South Park is just being spoken by the amateur who made the cartoons. (Trey Parker) German dubbing is mostly extremely well done. :)

On a side note: Germans are shit at English. But you are from Poland...
germany saving europe one shit country at a time lolz
i totally agree!!

dubbing sux
Most of the younger yermans understand your point.
But: a lot of ppl in Germany suck in speaking or even understanding english...
Certainly boy, you are the best example! :_D
idd .. learn 2 speak (or atleast understand) English :(
posted by .pl, haha
Worst dubbed movie has to be Pulp Fiction. It's utterly horrible!
i just gotta say:

yippie ya yeah schweinebacke xDxDxD

but i understand ur point!
i mean some cartoons for kids, its ok if they translate, cuz its really hard for kids learning their mothertongue and english at the same time, but later on i agree with real movies!
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