Oh sweet lady gaga....

I dont know if I'm late with this but, it deserves reposting if I am! This kid is ridiculous - Greyson Chance, 12 years old singing Lady Gaga

His first performance - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxDlC7YV5is&feature=related

His second performance on TV with Lady Gaga calling - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHXo7aCnjM4&feature=player_embedded

And if anyone can quote where the journal title came from, you will get the left overs of my sandwhich!
yep old :)
damn old :P was posted a lot of times
Well if its old you can play, guess the quote for the journal title!
'Modern Family': 'Oh sweet Lady Gaga that is good'
Nice find!
dont know the original, but this sounds wrong on several spots...
voice is nice anyway, probably just the wrong song

e: ok just listened to the original song... guess wrong is right o0
Your quote is from Ray William Johnson! :P
No, I think he stole that one too.
welcome to last week m8
U can find a voice like this in every boy choir basically, just 99% of them dont own a myspace account and a webcam.
idd this kind of song/singing isn't that impressive for a boy his age.
that kid is going to get more pussy before he turns 18 than the whole crossfire is getting in their lifetime

I'd say that's a pretty good voice
his voice will change after 15 or so, but idd, pretty impressive x)
can u change my name to Dexter Morgan ?: < oh and hi Trinity =)
I was late with Dexter (like I was late with this youtube), but this moment - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVAa1JBNP7Y&NR=1 - one of the best moments of TV ever
Ye it was indeed awsome ending! just like season 4 ending :(
Dexter itself is the best thing that happened to tv shows
oh yeah and i would like to have a capital Q.
oh a kid singing before his voice breaks playing a few common chords on the piano

17 million views
same on overload vent every day :P

10 listenerdz :PP
hes good,but god,these americans are so annoying and stupid
ffs hes good but he looks like justin bieber-.-

1 fag is enough
Still don't think he's good.

Let's see him match these vocals! 2:50.. shivers!
those girls behind him look all so bored -_-
American bullshit.
it's shit

there are people far more talented in our every day lives, but because they aren't 10 & making viral videos of easy pop music they aren't famous

basically. what fredd said.
tbh its hard to sing and play the piano in once.. And hes 12/13 depends on what month/day his birthday is, hes good for that age. But what creako said, one justin bieber is enough. so kill him and let that new kid be justin bieber
I hate that kid, he's gonna get so much girls..
i think hes avarage and i dunno what about him
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