neatest aim fragmovies
18 May 2010, 15:57
Fragmovies with best aimers, or at least frags with most intense aiming.
1. Steve in STMOVIE3
2. ska in Ska - unfinished
3. ensam in ENSAMPLE&friends
+ ofc Sungi in Finsanity
1. Steve in STMOVIE3
2. ska in Ska - unfinished
3. ensam in ENSAMPLE&friends
+ ofc Sungi in Finsanity
he had a rly nice steady aim in his frags from that movie.
this is obviously wh , cant they ban him for only this or what.
he should've been but i don't think it matters, he is actually proud of this clip... he probably won't stop cheating
just wiesiek 1,2
ps: tuut sanoon ton sen 5 päivää myöhäs :D
End of discussion.