Need hjalp again!1

So I bought my new tv, but when I connect it to my pc and put it to 1920 x 1080 I get black borders on the tv, anyone know why?!

oh, and got ati radeon HD 2600 pro
you suck
you suck
cause you're watching a movie with black borders, doh
no :( its liek black very black borders even in windows when im not doing anything
put resolution higher
My tv can't handle higher!
don't know then

had the same on my new pc screen when I played ET on fullscreen, changed the resolution everytime and I found the lucky number.
I had this same on BenQ E2420 screen. I updated my graphic card drivers (well downgraded actually) and it got fixed.

A friend of mine fixed it too by installing different version of the driver.
format c
Your TV is treating the input signal as an overscan signal. You need to find a way to force the TV to not do this. The way is TV specific (and on many TVs there is no way). Search the manual for PC mode or 1-1 pixel mapping
wow how many helpful ppl here
but this comment rly helps him!:)
I am pretty sure it doesnt
Yeah, Rafiki totally ruined this journals potential :(
Ur TV is broken
buy new tv and pc, that should help
TV should be use to watch TV ! n3Rd
Pitäs olla näyttikses joku resize deskop mahdollisuus, ainakin mul on nvidias. sillä säätäny oman töllöni kuntoon.
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