Maps for competition?

Oke, so... there's alot alot of whine going on about the maps right.. That no one is making a new map etc etc.

There over a 100 maps.. Oke your right there all made for pub.. But come on. 100 maps.. you really think that there's not 1 decent map out there?

Problem with most pub maps is that there way to big, To many ways to get the obj.. Put some metal doors here, Make a spawn there, and BAWIZZLE we haz new map ?

If i knew something about mapping i would totally do it myself, But well i'm stupid let me put it that way.

Anyhowzzz... Saiko is looking for another team that is willing to play some showmatches with us. with ETTV ofc.

If any team is interested just let us know @ #saiko. Oh and if you want to play some showmatches with us, Be a solid med not higher, not lower. We dont want a one sided match now do we?
problem is Robaciek will make a cup to during these type of matches.
do a counter cup, baserace, stealing all potential player from his cup so noone will be interested in it and voila, success :D
saiko @ ettv is low:PpPpppP

we all know why =D
Starts with a T and ends with w1zZt?
alot of whine going on about the maps?

.. You never noticed the whine about map's?
sl should make a contract with dersaidin aswell
I know something about mapping - it need lots of time
Test map -> run cup -> profit?
define: YEOJ
Google: a special someone who can change ET all by himself
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