Kick Ass

gonna watch it now
wish me gl

image: 316m0xl
it's a cool movie, but not that awesome.

Robin hood and green zone are nice tho :;DDDDDDD

image: 30170_117762681595853_117762048262583_91040_2782965_n
Didnt expect much from the movie, but i really liked it;> like a mix of kill bill + random marvel movie.
It's nice movie
it's a parody of spiderman :p
Fun movie!
This journal Need more. The Road
is that a gun?
it is a gun indeed
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!1
i seriously love you right now
i heard it was crap
really liked the movie !!
Best movie I've seen in a long time!

image: kryptonlight
ok, have you ever seen spiderman 1 the movie ?
it was pretty decent, not amazing but it wasn't bad by any means!
it was good, but not that amazing. hitgirl > kickass tbh, hes just a loser to her
maybe my hopes were to high after all that hype on the internet.

also watched ironman 2 last week, was good too, but again not that amazing imo.
the jokes were better in the first one.
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