Gotta love em fish

***** History for hand T5-54177467-28 (TOURNAMENT: "Omsk", S-2165-8451, buy-in: $215) *****
Start hand: Wed May 19 10:59:04 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #1 [54177467] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 25/50, TC)
User: J4dado
Button: seat 6
Players in round: 2
Seat 8: dominic14320 (790)
Seat 6: J4dado (2210)
J4dado posts small blind (25)
dominic14320 posts big blind (50)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to J4dado: [image: spadeAs, image: spade4s]
J4dado raises 75 to 100
dominic14320 calls 50

--- Dealing flop [image: spade8s, image: heartAh, image: heart4h]
dominic14320 bets 690 [all in]
J4dado calls 690

--- Dealing flop [image: spade8s, image: heartAh, image: heart4h]

--- Dealing turn [image: heartJh]

--- Dealing river [image: diamond5d]

Main pot: 1580 won by J4dado (1580)
Rake taken: $0

Seat 8: dominic14320 (0), net: -790, [image: diamond8d, image: spadeJs] (TWO_PAIR JACK, EIGHT)

Seat 6: J4dado (3000), net: +790, [image: spadeAs, image: spade4s] (TWO_PAIR ACE, FOUR)
what is this
Random hand?
Some of your images are wrong :)
Nah, wanted to give it a special touch with adding those pic's but kinda fucked it up :(
cool story bro
interesting, poker is so 2009
cmon adi give me a break man wtf is this shit
It's Counter-Strike! So fucking funny game!
hey adi wanna be my boifriend? I have cookies
nerd shit
Great he deleted it, what did you write? :D
I didnt delete anything, what I said was that if your heads up and on the button, you should be raising the majoirty of your hands.
well just tryed to point out that going all-in when your stack is 3½ times bigger than the pot is basically always wrong. he said check the flop behind and calling the turn is bad, but imho its good since the orginal raiser will take a shot there with air so only way you can get money out from guy who has worse hand.. going all-in 3½ the pot, you get called with A and byebye and the air goes muck and you cant get any bluff value from him :l
Hmm, well dunno if you got it right. I was J4dado not the looser.
ye I know, said wat I said to flushje, didnt comment anything to you. Wat else you can do than call if the guy goes all-in and you have basically nuts (and if he had like pocket pair and got set he would never play it like that.

But read my comment again, its about wat I said to flushje and i got allright
scandinavian style is obhiously very differant
It's kinda logical since I raise from SB and he calls he's first to act on the flop ;)
sorry, it was heads up
Have any two cards? rofl that's just funny :D
? Its heads up, your on the button, if your not rasing most hands, your bad.
I'm 19 and what is this?
<3 dem fish.

Playmoney? i cant find records on you
reply my pm pls
nice 2 bb openraise ...
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