Villa > Barca

Just got confirmed on some dutch site


e: english source thanks to pala:
why is there a dead pakistani on my couch ?
What's Ibra gonna do?
lets hope they sell him, but i think its bb for henry
Henry is on the bench all the time anyway..
yoa, but id say villa is gna be worlds best striker at barca tbh, doesnt rly matter who leaves now :D
Should've just kept Eto'o=d
villa > eto'o but ive been a fan of villa for a long time anyway :D
villa is already the best striker,. but he will does unbeliveable things @ barca
henry signed for redbull
not confirmed yet
Ze hebben het erover dat ze 'm in een ruildeal willen betrekken met fabregas dus dat ie naar arsenal gaat ... roddels he ;)
Dat zou als Arsenal zijnde een briljante deal zijn.
Ja idd.. wil je de bron hebben?

Barcelona denkt dé manier te hebben gevonden om Cesc Fàbregas naar het Camp Nou te halen. Door de aanstaande komst van Valencia-aanvaller David Villa dreigt Zlatan Ibrahimovic overbodig te worden. Arsenal-manager Arsène Wenger ziet de komst van de Zweed wel zitten. Barcelona zal over enkele dagen voorstellen om de spelers met gesloten beurzen te ruilen. De ex-Ajacied speelt pas een jaar in Barcelona. '

rvp met ibra, dat zou wel nice zijn, hebben ze nog wel n goeie middenvelder + verdediger nodig
weird singing...didnt really expect that from guardiolla, just like thta giving up on zlatan after paying so much on him
QuoteBarca agree Villa move with Valencia
FC Barcelona and Valencia CF closed a 40 million euro deal for Spanish striker David Villa on Wednesday morning.
The Spanish international is due in Barcelona on Thursday evening and will have a medical on Friday morning. Villa will sign a four-year deal with an option for a further year.

Villa will be officially unveiled as a Barca player at 1.30 in the Paris Room of the Camp Nou. He’ll then make an appearance on the Camp Nou pitch. The stadium doors will be opened to the public.

A goal machine

In his first two seasons in the First Division (2003-05) with Zaragoza, he caught the eye with his effectiveness in front of goal and earned a move to Valencia. The 28-year-old spent the next five seasons with Valencia, scoring 107 goals in 166 league matches.

Villa is a regular first choice in the Spanish national team and made a huge contribution to winning EURO 2008.

also heard barca wants to buy rooney for 90 millions
that was real madrid
no,they were saying that if laporta retires, the new president will buy him as a gift for the fans
good buy since zlatan sucks anyways :D
like they need forwards @ barca...
Barca had 99 points this season. They lost once. Barca doesn't need Villa or do they want to win every game by 4 goals or what?
Barca & Madrid are splashing cash every season while other teams like Valencia are in financial trouble and teams like Xerez have a budget of only 3million. Yea, very fair...
This domination of barca (and madrid) will backshoot them in the future because of a lack of competition.
The problem in Spanish football is marketing. It is all well and good Barcelona being branded as more than a club, but they can only do this because there is no competition from other clubs. Clubs sell their broadcasting rights individually, which means the likes of Barcelona and Real Madrid maintain their position in the top three almost indefinitely, while some of the smaller clubs (as you rightfully suggested) struggle with almost nothing, because they cannot sell their broadcasting rights for a sizeable amount. However, the Premiership (for example) sells its broadcasting rights as a league, and divides them based on performance; that is, where a team finishes in the league at the end of the season. This is the reason Manchester United struggled alone in Europe in the late 1990s, and then there was a flood of English teams in Europe over the last few years. It is because teams like Manchester United can and are beaten by teams who are relegated (Burnley) in the Premiership, but this simply would and could not happen in Spain.
I know that >_<
no fabregas :(
He's replacing Henry, who leaves to the New York Red Bulls.
henry was a benchwarmer, dont rly think he'll be replacing him
there's been rumours of Ibra being sold to Manchester City.

+get fabregas
+GET RID OF cuntface zlatan + grampa henry ( + and pathetic lowlife busquets)

= perfection.
busquets played really good the 2nd half of the season
he is clearly refering to the faked injury Busquets did against Inter. What a pathetic player he is, hate scum like him. Too bad players like Messi do this also and it's a stain on their game
messi dives? :o
not enough for me to call him a diver(yet?). Nothing like Ronaldo or Drogba for example. But sadly I've seen him dive a few times. His dives are usually done very poorly though so he never gains anything even when he falls within the opponent's box :p
well i've watch loads of his games, and i haven't seen him dive yet, so i don't really know what to think :)
yyyyep exactly.

have to admit that he played well but players like him make football look ridiculous.
ibrahimovic will be joining arsenal :p
that will NEVER happen
&#9654; Barcelona Ready £80m Bid For Manchester United Star Wayne Rooney - Report

Barça doesn't do that kind of stuff, perhaps you mean R. Madrid.
hope so

+ Rooney will never leave united tbfh
Don't think so either.
last year you said that about C. Ronaldo

i said "fergy won't let him go"
Ieuw don't wont to see him at the barça side.. Might be a good striker but no
Belgium vila will be happy.
he'll most likely change is name with an extra l now :D
It's not like that for every player.
a little bit better already:)
Ibra just didn't fit in the team in my opinion. Haven't seen him playing that much, only in championsleague. And he was kinda shit every match I saw. I think he also finds himself very good which ofcourse he is but not that good like he thinks:)

Should be a great deal for barca, ibra to arsenal and getting fabreagas.
I am a fan of David Villa and glad that he has moved away from Valencia (and also that it was not to Real Madrid), but I cannot help feeling that he has chosen the wrong club. Barcelona wanted to sell Samuel Eto for years and Villa was the obvious replacement, but the signing of Zlatan Ibrahimovic last year problematised everything; there are huge parallels to draw between Manchester United and Barcelona in the season after winning the Champions League; that is, that they both signed strikers who were clearly unworkable in their current system (Dimitar Berbatov and Ibrahimovic), which meant neither were able to retain their European title as a consequence.

If Manchester United could not start Berbatov, Cristano Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney and Carlos Tevez at the same time then Barcelona surely cannot start Ibrahimovic, Lionel Messi and Villa at the same time either, assuming that Thierry Henry's role at the club – as widely predicted - is either limited or he is moved on altogether.

There is one consequence of Villa's signing: either Ibrahimovic or Messi will be played out of position (i.e., as a non-striker) next season. Problematically, I think it will be Messi not Ibrahimovic who will shift positions, leaving Barcelona with two traditional strikers, which seems stupid giving Messi's form this season; Manchester United will not shift Rooney out to the left wing ever again after this season so why should Barcelona move Messi back to the wing?
... why the fuck would you put messi out ?:XD
... why the fuck would you put ibra in ?:XD
did you just compare berbatov to ibrahimovic??
Who gives a flying fuck.
There is absolutely no comparison between Cristano Ronaldo, an Iberian who has dreamt of playing for Real Madrid, and Wayne Rooney, an English player from the north-west. Rooney will not be going to either Barcelona or Real Madrid I can assure you.
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