data recovery tools

friend of mine's harddrive appears to be fucked

Quote(6:02:28 PM): just suddenly says "available space: 980gb free space: 980gb file format: RAW"

I'm fairly confident the data is still there and mostly recoverable but I've never have to deal with this myself and don't know what's shit and what's actually good. Any ideas?
A huge magnet.
image: bella_laugh
oh how i could forget that

sticking a magnet directly on your harddrive will fix the RAW/NTFS problem !
sry but there is nothing he can do

except buying external hard drive for backupping

next time : D
it IS an external drive, he just wants to save some of the data. i've seen harddrives with some real physical problems that still had some data recoverable using the right software

" SergeantCohen on 19/05/10, 17:07:39 PM | Reply

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im a tree on 19/05/10, 17:13:31 PM | Reply

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One idiot replying to another.

(There no point to be made, its just a fact)

put him on linux next time
they're all pretty much the same in my experience, just search for data recovery and get the one with the most seeders
format required
Agree with pds. Bet the partition table is garbled, restoring it could help you retrieve the data. Question is HOW that table got garbled though.
the graphic card does take necessary memory from your RAM :)
Yes and no. I was wrong earlier, they do actually share the addressing space, but that doesn't mean the graphics card "takes" it!
Stop pretending to be a nerd!
Stop pretending not to be a nerd!
I am a nerd! And I saw how wrong you were in your previous statement !! The addressing space isn't the issue you know...
Oh? You overwhelm me with your knowledge and wisdom, could you please enlighten me as to what IS the issue?
Well it's quite transparent that the ram isnt getting enough power and flow from the graphics card thus the cooling system runs slower resulting in the hz and motherboards collapsing! Jeez, try n learn something...
Aha! Then i understand!

BRB burning the book that taught me the lies in the earlier post.
Good call!
try the prog. "Recovery my files", imo its good
"Handy Recovery" is the best in my opinion. Remember to recover files to some other partition if you can, otherwise data can be lost.
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