Lost + vampire diaries

Both had such epic eps!

Spoilers Lost :

Jack has taken over for jacob so now he's like immortal unless he Locke gets Ben to kill him shocking!

Spoilers Vamp :

Finally get to see Catherine! Great end to the season!

image: 1tt0fd

Smashed the bone in the tip of thumb on saturday nite cant remember how I did it tho

etnies i can help you, it's not broken just got something on it. take it off it will work!
haha my whole hand is yellow now with bruising it's very naice
Noice how'd it happen?
Vampire diaries is so much better than lost.
they both pwn yo
Did you break your thumb becuz u got mad cuz u were getting rolled @ ET?
havent played a 5on5 in et in over 2 months mr proxy sir
both gay
Most of series and ending :<

House , vampire, supernatural and some other had great finals!

can't wait for lost final!
Supernatural, season 5 is last season or will there come more?
the shit thing is, there aren't really that much new series to replace em :/
Are they still Lost? Damn.
It's so funny because the vampire diary episode is 1 week old now.
so? I watch all my shows together
I don't think I can handle lost ending. What the hell am I going to do when it ends? We have to go back!
R.I.P Anna, Mr lockword & John gilbert
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