do u smoke?

talking about cigarettes.. what is ur favourite brand?
mine is Lucky strike, smoked it the first time when i was in army. was an United States of America american soldier who offered me one.
its strong and really tasteful. <3

image: 041306lucky_strike
camel <3
Cigarette smoking is dangerous, dangerous
Hazard to your health
omfg lucky strike , we always bought them with on a ferry to sweden :), aint selling anymore :-/

i dont really care about what i smoke after 6 years to be honest
i dont smoke and i will never start that. not even waterpipe..

just a waste of money imo...and rly stupid to pay for something, which destroys your body


people rly appreciate my behaviour :) -> its cool to be a "notsmoker"
not weed either?
will never ever touch that things :)

i drink alcohol - bad enough :x
your such a little goodie2shoes :|
weed is way more healthy than alcohol :P
no excuse :)
haha :D:D. No way in hell lol
check the facts my brodda
Hypocrite, you drink alcohol.
razzah became smarter after Spain????


image: bush_doing_it_wrong


I copy pasted the typo ?
few seconds ago i wanted to go and smoke but now ! xD not anymore ty
i dont smoke cigarretes

but i used to smoke weed often (1 year ago) then i decided to calm myself with this xd
Idiots smoke. Nothing wrong with trying something now and then but otherwise, for idiots.
smoking is awesom and i love it! it makes me look cool and who cares about healthy? you can always v21
Occasionally at parties(cigarettes / weed) and at home with some friends at weekends (waterpipe). I prefer Malboro.

But i consider myself as a "non"-smoker... It happens from time to time only, nothing serious. Like razzah said it is unhealthy and expensive. It's not addictive for me ;)
everthing is good when u can stop it =)
I smoke weed few times in a year. But I wont understand why ppl smoke cigarettes..
lucky strike is expensive :I I smoke Pall Mall's dark green, a pack a week or so. And also weed, sometimes a whole week a row, sometimes I've got a months break. Thou I got to stop smoking weed now since I'm going to the army 12.7 and they are going to take a piss test :(
dont smoke
It's a nice time-killer when waiting for a train or so I think. But I simply won't get addicted and barely ever smoke. :( I like Gauloises.
gum is also a nice time-killer!
i just dont smoke..

i had family problems related with smoking that scared me for life!
tru dat broski
buy PSP, definately better than cigaretes
Lucky strike, its just the best :) but kinda stoped now since im broke and dont feel the need for it as much as i did before. I also snus sometimes (may help with the need for cigg) and thats awesome 2 :>
I smoke Marlboro, started with it when a friend of mine offered me some during our schooltrip in Prague, never stopped since.

Anyway, I see some hate comments here towards smokers. It's our own choice whether we smoke or not and who are you people to call us retards because of the simple fact that we smoke? It's quite narrowminded and retarded of you on the other hand to condemn us on one single fact.
Why care about the comments :P
Its your own choice, but when other people are suffering thanks to your smoke habit you should reconsider the 'own' choice part

was about to quit soon, though.
every smoker is about to quit iron ;D
I just think it's more of a habit than addiction.
my friend said that already 12 years ago and he still hasn't got rid of it
Been smoking 8 years, been tryng to quit 4 of them :DD:
yeah you got a point of course. for example when it's hot as now, it's nice to go to the balcony to smoke one. I just feel a bit empty if I just stand there doing nothing! : >
same, its a nice time burner :D
I smoke a pipe, the tobacco I get is grown locally (Kentucky burley). I also smoke weed a lot. Used to smoke cigs, Camels.
kinda starting to get used to my 1 cig / day, got to stop that.
i don't smoke :)
don't smoke.

if i would, i'd smoke self-rolled tigra
skruf stark is better :)
nej vanlig general är ju grymast. av skruf så dör ju hela käften.
Marlboro flavour plus :-)
I remember I started smoking with my friends when we were like 10 or 11.. you know goin with bicycles to the bushes and then smoke a russian or some other bad cigarette... And when i went home i washed my hands + brushed teeth to not get caught to my mom and hid my cigarette pack to basement or under bed , what a brilliant plan, although my cigarette pack was stolen twice when i hid it to basement since i was livin in apartments..good times :D but I quited with my classmate half year ago... I don't find myself very addicted to smoking although sometimes when im at work and uber sleepy and stuff i feel like starting it again. And as razzah said it's pretty nice to be nonsmoker, i mean chicks like it mostly :) But its hard to be a quited smoker when you are around friends who smoke every single minute + at booring work :)
To cut the long story short I smoked marlboro + kent :D :D hehe:P???
and weed is nice :P:P
but needles + drugpills are bad
1st. image: 150x150_djarumcherry
2nd. image: black_devil_chocolate
3rd. image: pink_elephant
4th. image: lucky
strong random shit, but black devils <3
got to love those
truu dat + camel blue
Bond and next are usual stuff lol :D
ye well bond is kinda normal, but next is shit, especially red one
Well, MASU made me smoke Next for some time :D
You really dont know anything in Estonian :d. MASU=Majandussurutis
smoking kills :)
lucky strike ftw, besides i smoke all day and now im broke.
gotta quit sometime.
survived 12 months in army without starting / trying smoking and never will. waste of money.
never even tasted :)
what is there to try with cigarettes? :E
you know that they taste bad and that they are bad for health, so why bother
How do you know they taste bad?
Because they also smell bad and everybody says they do, so for once I believe other ppl there. And why should I taste it then? It's surely not the only thing in the world I haven't tried
Ye, but so many opportunities in social environments throughout the youth to get in touch with at least trying to smoke. Maybe you didn't try sky diving either but the effort you have to put into is much higher. :) Some food also smells bad but tastes good for example btw.
Well, ofc it wasn't easy to avoid it when at some point everybody in my middle school class tried it and also many of my friends. But I just said "no" every time somebody offered me that :) And I'm kinda proud of that
you are a true hero :p
Never smoked...Don't really want to
I don't smoke. I don't care if others smoke.
I don't smoke cigarettes. I don't smoke weed too. Everybody knows that these things are unhealthy and if you still use them you are one of the most retarded people in the world.It may be harsh but it's just my own idea,I don't care if you agree with me or not.. Just keep smoking and kill your own body day by day..
that's a fact, but you can also get hit by a car and die :) there are people who have smoked there whole life and get older than most of the other people
that's the most used excuse so far =D the funny thing is some ppl really rely on that fact.. =D
Anyway all those smokers who managed to live longer,had a painful life, i have never seen a man who smoked all his life time and can live confortably at his old age. For example my grandpa is 82 and cant even move, he had a really bad life with smoking and alcohol. On the other hand my uncle who is 79, goes out for running every morning, having bbq everyweek etc.
that's true, it's not like i don't know it's bad
oh cmon, dont compare even this kind of deatch to each other. If u smoking, u know u might die coz of that, it is ur own choice, if u will get hit by car, and die, dont think that it was ur happy idea :) thats the difference, u just killing urself, and u know about that. Plus u also slooowly killing other ppl around, non smokers who just standing close to u and breath all this shit air from u.
LA small red or Prince. I do however smoke a lot of Drina when in Bosnia since it's amazingly cheep and amazingly good.

I think it's an really chill and a awesome time killer, I have however noticed that I really hate talking with others when smoking I just want to enjoy it :D
dont smoke, never will :PpPpppPPPPPPp


Lucky Strike - red or Marlboro red
Davidoff gold or Chesterfield blue :O)
its a lie! all brands taste the same as long when its not some special stuff
cant say for sure though as i dont smoke.. wondering if someones made a blind test would be easy
some brands taste like pure shit
smoking makes u look cool
i never smoke unless i am drunk
silk cut silvers

university forces me to smoke rolling tobacco though :/

gotta save thos pennies!
In Soviet Russia, you don't smoke cigarettes, cigarettes smoke you!

Anyway, this is what I smoke:
image: xmudev
image: west_ultra

but now mostly :

image: camel_lights

but i am trying to smoke less now since i smoked 1 box a day
Seriously, whats the point in smoking? it's disgusting, it's unhealthy, it costs a shitload of money..
and women that smoke are a huge turn-off to me :(
Exactly my thoughts. :P Furthermore your cloths and yourself smell horribly. I only smoke Shisha though.
i dont smoke :) awfull addict :O
i smoke allot of waterpipe!
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