Life problems, need help

Guys, although this is awkward for me to say, but....
I have a small dick and I'm still a virgin. Yep, I have a small dick. I really want to get a special lady friend, but I'm too nervous to have a healthy relationship knowing that I have a small penis. I ask of you, crossfire, is that you could supply (supply depot) me with some tips on picking up girls.
Thank you in advance!
image: TrollFace
just react on those viagra/enlargement emails you have in your spam inbox
Erm, you can just act regular, and if you happen to have acts in bed, hope that she won't notice, or just ignore it or something, and give everything you got to satesfy your girl man, do everything you can
be strong young talon, be strong
strap on !
die gebruikte je mama bij mij :(
je moeder op een scooter
i get everydaysome spammailes about making your penis bigger....try them out :xD
Are the emails coming from Miss D.?
It's not about the size, it's how you use it.
:D thats typical answer from a guy with a small dick
It's not about the size, it's how you use it.
There is skill involved in everything

...And it's only a bit below average, it's not "small"
well it has some sense, for what would you need big dick if u dunno how to use it? :XD
had to laugh :D
You're in luck, chicks dig guys with small dicks!

They know that guys with small(er) dicks will put more effort in pleasing them.

or prolly 1/10 thinks that way
ok it's true they don't prefer it, but they don't really mind either.

i read this interview once where they tested 1000/2000 females between the age of 18-40 and almost 95% said they didn't really mind because they do tend to make an effort.

brb, searching interview-page...
what good is a big dick if you have a face like yours?
yea men inserts cock in your face, because it looks like an ass
sorry but im counter trolling this one

image: d96333ef4466d858bd2c21d7f5590
Reject from 4chan.
Terrible effort. 1/10.
dont show that ur hitting on her, she'll like that

about the sex, get confidence and just fucking bang the girl.. a man shouldnt be afraid in bed...
Drugs, always works
Obvious troll is obvious. And even then. If you really love her and she loves you, you fuck together.
It's a good thing! I fucked a girl and she was whining that she couldn't handle my dick and I'm like wtf get used to it bimbo. After 1 hour I had my climax and she had like 4, but I like it rough and not slowmo that's why it lasted a hour. :')

Get a niggerpenis like mine!
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