Global Draw Mohammed day

Hahaha its draw mohammed day

my creation
image: xncio0

gl, dont get stabbed etc.

other creations from
image: xbeg7t
image: 4v21bo
image: 65x178
freedom of speech is a nice thing :)
This is classic.
The freedom of speech is the only sacred ideal in the western culture, attack it and you piss us off.
Attack Mohammed, and you piss off the muslims.

Unsolvable value-based conflict, GO!
BRB, popcorn
Difference is we evolved, they don't.
Call it evolution, call it culture.
You can't force it, and trying to won't do anything except piss someone off.

Difference in culture and people will bang each other heads for it, because they don't understand and respect each other.

and +1
freedom of speech is overarching

niggah please
It's funny how the freedom of speech seem to apply to everything EXEPCT attacks on the freedom of speech!
maybe when you think about it its not so funny
Yeah, because it is not as if the 'Muslim community' have expressed that they feel offended by these pictures. So nice from us civilized Westernlings to show the true, harmonious, peaceful and especially useful side of freedom of speech by drawing retarded pictures of a prophet purely to annoy and anger other people.

Gudda jobba.
Sterk stuk van em :)
What are they talking about exactly?
uhm, about that guy
he 'offended' muslims in a speech
He is a known dutch comedian

they try to diss him but he is owning them in every possible way
he is way too smart for them

he also has some successes in england
yeah u could call it retarded counter reaction to retarded ppl not much better
although what sp did was not over the top in any way and more thought provoking for sure
I agree, the fact 'they' react to pictures in such a spastic way is completely out of line and stupid. But making and posting pictures purely to annoy people is kinda dumb as well, especially when you know that there are people who make such a fuss out of it. I'm definitely on South Park guys side on this one :P
So you're on the SP guys' side but you're against this topic? Strange.
No, I'm just saying it's not needed to provoke and be retarded just to piss off people and be retarded. From what I've understood, the SP guys are obviously making fun of Mohammed, not by drawing a dick and calling it Mohammed, but by actually giving some sort of social commentary.

I think it's complete bullshit to react like people have done over simple drawings of a person, but I also think it's simply stupid to make a 'Draw pictures of Mohammed' day just to piss a certain group of people of.

Just my opinion of the day.
Alleen retards doen hier aan mee. Laat ze lekker.
This is my creation:

image: 5znyhv

Happy draw mohammed day!
It looks like "The Fly"[/i]
not fly-eyes, but grenades!
ye lets provoke all muslims and make them throw bombs on us and then be like wtf are you doing there and have a reason to send our army to their country and kill millions of civilists
KILL ALL civilists
+1... oh wait it makes no sense
what did you expect?
it's crossfire.
Yea because we never provoke christians or boedhists or chinese/black people or people with a handicap... Oh wait...

Even worse, those were cartoons. Now if you get offended by a freaking cartoon you should seriously get some help. Or maybe I can help you. Grab a dictionary and search for the word 'satire' as a start.

Get a life ...
i dont feel offended. i dont even believe in that islamstuff

but i dont think its right to provoke them in this way when they really believe in this things. everyone knows that they will act in that way if people do this. if you go to the pope and the people who believe in him in a very straight way and you show them some retarded pics about the pope, then they will be angry aswell...

this is their lifestyle, their behaviour. they take everything very serious if its against their religion. you cant do anything about it except accepting it.

my point was: why provoking them, if you know that they will be rly angry. and later people say: " oh why are they acting like this...its just a cartoon"

The pope will be angry, but he sure as fuck won't send suicide-bombers to avenge it!

If I kick you in the balls, is it ok if you kill me for that? Are your actions justified by the cause?

because 99% of this community are brainwashed islamhaters
No, just no.

Almost everyone who believes in islam would hit me in my face or even more if I would say Islam is a lie, Mohammed sux etc. .
But if you go to a Christian and say all is a lie, jesus is a lil' bitch (whatever) he wouldn't care alot.
That's the point, it's satire. Cartoons are made to make fun of people. Almost everyone whose the cartoon is pointed at will in someway feel offended. Do we have to stop making cartoons for every person who feel offended? Of course not. Same for stand-up comedians, jokes, etc... If we have to ban everything because somebody 'could' be offended by it then we shouldn't make or do anything anymore. No jokes, no news on TV because some people might get offended by it, no series, no movies, etc...

People make jokes about jews or disabled people too. It doesn't mean we hate them...

And if you _really_ feel offended by it, the muslim community should step up and give their opinion on TV and create a debate about it but don't just start killing people. It gives even more incentives to be anti-islam.

Besides we are no muslims so we shouldn't oblige to the 'not drawing mohammed' stuff.
why showing me this ?
do show their attitude
u will die

good idea, stupid third world muslim fags
It will never happen, we have best aimers in the world. Also we have nice medics and engis with defusal kit to defuse suicide bombers beltbombs. Its a win-win situation her
i just listen to youssef and kamal instead
I'm pretty sure it would not. :)
steal more from dumpert...
Please go ahead. We dont mind.
it would look pretty similar to this in fact.
What the hell makes you think so?

To make you feel better, I have made a Jesus.

image: bjddnkk2rfu9gahfs

I don't worship any people or fictious beings, but a whole bunch of fucking retards from all cultures and religions are already offending the things I worship, logic and reason. Every comment that makes no sense is an offense to my world view in a similar way as this journal is (I guess it is?) offensive to you.
Rofl, no.

You can joke about Jesus all you like, 'we' don't give a shit.
hahahaha bullshit :D:D:D
i dont really care about the islam nor do i care about mohammed, but jesus, god, the crucifix, etc. were made fun of about like a thousand time
the same thing counts for special people, kids, etc.
gtfo the internet if you get offended by things you read/saw on the internet, how about finally starting to keep up with the times
Out of all the subjects you could discuss on freedom of speech they picked this? /facepalm
it is funny because them everyone living in a catholic country are actually pedophiles
How's that possible? :XD isn't it normal in the islamworld to marry underaged girls?
it's not allowed, atleast not in the way I think you mean, you can marry young but you have to be in the same agegroup.
Ah thats why Gul the president of Turkey married his 15 years old wife when he was 30. Makes totally sense :=)
some interpret things with bad intentions, it's common fact that most weird shit happens in christian america.
For some reason I do not agree.
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