htc desire

friend of mine got it, awesome phone!
got nexus one, pretty close to it, pure awesomeness
new 2.2 firmware coming in a few weeks yaay
Nexus uses pure android, the desire uses htc sense.
im totally satisfied with pure android usability
and i'd rather have fast fw updates than waiting for it for a year like Hero users :)
i wanted to buy it a few weeks ago, did some research, turns out to be a fast and good looking phone, wins vs the htc legend and iphone in inet page render test

too bad i came to the conclusion i would only use it for inet, calling and texting
I do.
It rocks!
I mean I love android, but htc sense does everything even better.
The screen quality can not be compared to the one from iphone.
If you lay them side by side, the iphone looks like blackwhite only.
Surfing works better on the desire as on the iphone as well.
As I said I will always buy android but htc sense was the reason I bought the desire in the end.
I use mine the whole day and I still always got 20 percent left when I go to sleep.
After all I would buy it again.
gonna get one next week :)))
just get the iPhone :/
It sucks compared to the desire.
The whole phone sucks, the only good thing about it is the appstore which has nothing to do with the phone directly.

But man my english skills suck balls.
lol you have to be joking. Everything about the iPhone is better, including the contracts etc. It's more responsive, easier to work, better looking, and when the 4G comes out they will be even better :)
if you look at it like that, then some might say the htc is better, but as an overall phone (and more) the iPhone is better, more fun and less boring, in my opinion of course. The 4G comes out in a month or so, which will piss on any htc :p
sorry to disappoint you but no
Theres nothing about the iphone hardware which is better than the one from the desire.
The screen quality looks worse.
The touch screen is as good as the one from the iphone if not better.
I don't like its look too but thats just a personal opinion.
The iphone was good when it was released back in the dates, but its out dated now.
And yes it revolutionized smart phones but that doesnt mean that it doesnt suck now.
It still misses fundamental things.

Its out dated.
Lets see how the 4G turns out.
how can something that brings out new apps and features every month/week or so be outdated?:D
Kidding right?
Since when does the iphone bring out new apps?
The developers bring those apps out.
If Android would be released first nobody would have coded shit for the Iphone.

I was talking about its hardware in particular which is outdated.
HTCs > iPhone
Not all of them, and nice of htc taking 3 years till
making a 'competive' phone against iPhone
iPhone is the mother of all smart phones
you prefer mothers over daughters?
didn't say that
Got a HTC Hero and I love it :)
Now waiting for the 2.1 update though
2.2 has already been released ;d
that's why i got nexus one instead of waiting for desire - they have been promising 2.1 for Hero for like almost a year already and still got no final release date
better install some custom user made 2.1 fw, my friend did it and he's rly happy bout it
yeah, there's already a 2.1 for hero available on the htc website since yesterday but it will take a while for the benelux release i guess :)
A friend bought a Desire, it's pretty disappointing.

We made a little "mobile war", my Iphone 3GS runs smoother on the menu. Then we tried a game (Labyrinth), it's more enjoyable on the Iphone because the display is again smoother.

Android is probably the future, but atm it is still a bit under Iphone. The new Iphone this summer will probably enlarge the gap.

I wanted to take an Android phone this summer, but as a "normal" user who is looking for fun and beauty, whatever its price, I will take the new Iphone even if it's a lot more exepensive than Android phones.

But if you want to develop apps, buy a Desire.
unexpected to hear from an apple user ;)
I don't care about Apple, Microsoft, Google, opensource or not. I just want the best phone for my entertainment. And I prefer thousand times more an open product than a closed one like the Iphone and this Itunes shit. But not at the cost of its performance.
I got htc touch hd, pretty slowely but I guess it improved a lot to that version
htc hero 2
I got the desire :) its epic - rapes iPhone imo
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