Which movie tonight? #4
21 May 2010, 18:16
![image: 83014394](http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/2088/83014394.png)
Which would you pick? I've nothing to do, so I might as well just enjoy some movie.
Awaiting to be downloaded:
The Book of Eli
Youth in Revolt
The Bourne Trilogy
Last movie I saw:
Edge of Darkness
Reservoir Dogs
e: purefrag lags like a bitch :(
But now I'm fine! And ready to watch every shizzle the earth has to offer
2.35 - 9.58
But i did cap it from 1.5mb/s to 250kb/s for my ratio etc etc, what's your net like? :o
E: that's pm btw
What about your exam?
exam went pretty nice, hoping for a fine score, now 2 weeks air before next
would be nice if you tell me.
e: public enemies is nice.
choose yourself if you want drama or fantasy movie
the hurt locker
the road (nice but sad o0)
keeping it alltho ive watched it
training day
Big Fish -> similar style as forrest gump/ curious case of benjamin button (tells story of a lifetime) It was pretty good
Harry Brown -> Was decent
Kingdom of heaven -> Really good popcorn blockbuster movie. It's a bit like braveheart in the middle-east.
Mullholand dr. -> It's fucking shit, remove before you get a braintumor.
Pan's Labyrinth -> Was decent, but nothing special.
Public enemies -> Boring, fell asleep.
Boondock saints I -> It's ok'ish
The departed -> Pretty good. It's fast paced and doesn't bore you.
Hurt locker -> Was good but kinda overrated
The last Samurai -> Better than expected. It's braveheart in Japan.
The road -> Was good
The wrestler -> It's really about taste here, nothing too interesting happends but acting is really good.
There will be blood -> Too long and boring. Some good scene's but it dragged out too long.
V for Vendetta -> Amazing, wonderful, fantastic.
I'd say: 500 days of summer or V for Vendetta or if you want a blockbuster movie then kingdom of heaven.
I have watched eventuall Equilibrium, which was really good