Play-offs OC?

Soo, I was wondering:
When will the OC play-offs be published? Since I cant find it in the newspost and the CB site is shit :-(

image: collegehumor.f7ca656ba5fb64263d948e9ae6f901e9
bitch is grim, demand more.
ik dacht precies hetzelfde 5min geleden :ooo
intressante vraag
pic is shopped
A daring guess: When the group stage is over!
OC got cancelled, playoffs wont be played...
they cancelled it cause you made enhanced drop out :(
A daring guess: When the group stage is over!
also for admins!
EU - =) ? wtf...they tried use wildcard second time last week...ffs
forfeit it for =) already..
Just look previous cup's playoff three, than you know who you are going to play.
CB still has to tell when matches should be played
mostly a week after last matchweek playoffs start.
I guess we passed that week already since the dude is making a journal about it? (I haven't played any CB cup lately so I don't have a clue when the groupstage started/ended ;D)
Upcoming matches
Sunday 23 May
21h: EU - =)
21h: iNtak - in7
21h: increa - eev
21h: inSpir - ORDER
21h: elatus - rECT
21h: nextta - vital
21h: kOMARS - iG
21h: kOMARS - bs
21h: rLz - n
21h: #Vend3 - Allah
21h: JustFI - newind
21h: pvicto - TARGET
21h: ORDER - nG
21h: epica - cL
21h: :o! - DUCK
21h: #G_Spo - in7
21:15: ORDER - I5
21:15: inSpir - :o!
21:30: RETR - Aero
21:30: asphyx - sWat
21:30: roukS - iNj
21:30: hyster - e0h
21:30: #G_Spo - oY
21:30: roukS - xlibre

hopefully they don't show up for both so we can get this groupstage over and done with, next time they should schedule the match, they had 2/3 weeks to do it.
I noticed, still kinda fail they are all forced at once
they can wildcard or arrange a new date with opponent.
GL Ironic in playoffs :D
Didn't check all, but at least in Premier Division there are still group games to be played.
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