
image: image-90724-galleryV9-svdq


e: its no fake, this is true shit!
trololololol is he dead?
na he got operated 6 hours
I hope its fake :@
no its real
rolled by skilled

looks like it at least...

but if it isnt, good riddance!
who is the beast in here?:>
not fake =) he survived tho
well played Netherlands BULL !
I know this isn't a fake and i'm happy =)
this sport sucks, they are only hurting bulls
its real.
learn not to fuck with massive fucking beasts
well deserved
lol its fake because they cut the horns in the tips
to bad it didnt penetrate his brain instead
on the other hand, these people have to have really small brains to do that, so not that easy to hit properly
looked brutal enough zoomed out, thanks for the detail :<
this is what you get for torturing animals
wish that happened to more people so they would stop this shit.
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