12 angry men

i watched this movie yesterday night thinking that it's gonna be a good movie (its on nr 7 on IMDB or something.) but what a boring movie i was yawning the whole time and i know the movies on IMDB top 10 give you like this feeling of awesomeness after the movie but i was watching it and all of a sudden it ended and i thought wtf? is this it?.

so what i dont understand is how the fuck did it get so high on the top 250? i mean i do understand the message its trying to give to the watcher but the movie is at the top where godfather 1,2 is and pulp fiction. it got me so confused yesterday i was trying to think it over for like 30 mins why it should be on that place and i just couldnt figure out why.

if you watched the movie and you feel different about it plz share i wanna know why its so high
its one of the worst movie ever , studied on this shit @ school ;_;
Most of the movies before 90' are slow and very boring, but ppl like to hype them to show how oldschool they are. Sure there are few exceptions.

Dont even try to reply on me, this is my opinion ^_^

For me the best old movie is The neverending story http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088323/. Cried when the horse died :(
Amazed you know that movie tbh, most people never even heard of it. You seen The Goonies :D?
Everyone must have seen that movie :) The neverending story!
yeah it's hardly unheard of :X
yeah, was very sad for me also when he died :(
13 angry men now
im not angry im just dissapoint :D
was just gonna say that :D
Psycho (1960)

I am going to download this. I am sure this movie will suck even if this is the best horror movie ever by imdb :)
waste of time
its rly rly bad
download Black Beauty
Had the same with the godfather. Thought it was too boring and slow.

Downloaded one flew over the cuckoo's nest which is also a 70's movie. Hope it's going to be good.
It's really good. :)
ye one flew is really good
Godfather was copied so many times that it makes you feel its unoriginal and boring, but when it first came out everyone was like holy shit what was that. I really enjoyed watching all three Godfather movies in a row though.
Did you realize it's more than 50years old ?
Very good movie actually
I'm also watching those really old movies of imdb top 250 atm. I must say Rear Window was quite nice. 12 angry men is an interesting movie, too. I wouldn't consider them as good as they have been rated, though. Citizen Kane however was really shit. I tried to watch it with an open mind and I forced myself to watch the whole movie. Will never understand why so many people hype it as the best movie ever.

Gonna watch Seven.Samurai, The Birds & It's a Wonderful Life soon.
ye i agree with the 12 angry men never watched those others you mentioned
It's a wonderful life is so nice
I also watched Rear Window recently, and 12 angry man quite some time ago. Liked both, and also couldn't get into Citizen Kane. Seven Samurai on the other hand are awesome.
tbf, it's actually a pretty good movie. But then if you don't like slow dialogue based films then I wouldn't even bother trying to download the majority of the old movies in imdb's top lists
i dont care if a movie is long or short or slow, fast etc.as long as its well... good :D. but what i think of this movie is that it doesnt deserve its spot as nr 7 tho, i understood the movie quite well and the message it tries to give, but to be at the top with all those great movies? dont think so.
forrest gump is the best ever.
wrong topic m8
it's never wrong for forrest gump
Watched Kick ass yesterday.. nice movie :)
wrong topic m8
aah I saw something about movies so I just remembered kick ass.. cba about that old shit crap the rest here is ravin about..
Those old movies, you have consider the grade at the time the movie was made.
You can't compare an horror movie in the '60s to a modern horror movie.
We think of ourselves as the generation of random, but after seeing A Clockwork Orange i had to reconsider that.
Transformers 2 much better :]
plz Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus is the best
Its a really well made movie. In terms of skill and storytelling then having a limited cast and stage etc makes the focus much more just on the acting and story which are really well done

Think a few people have mentioned its a wonderful life, rear window as well - good old movies and well told stories which is what it's all about.
You're not the correct target audience.
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