Infinity: the Quest for Earth

OHMAIGAD (watch in 720p)

From the website of the game:
QuoteInfinity is a massively multiplayer online game set in a persistent futuristic universe, currently in development.

Infinity features an advanced procedural engine allowing for a seemingly infinite galaxy of unique star systems and planets to discover and explore, including seamless planetary landing. Infinity offers new and existing players an extensive storyline following the complex and often intricate political and social interactions of hundreds of corporations, organizations, and reputation groups through the games three primary factions: the Centauran, the Deltan Federation, and the Star Fold Confederacy.

EDIT: As the meaning of the word "tech-demo" doesn't seem to translate in the heads of the tards in /cf/, I'll let you guys in a little secret. This is not meant to show any gameplay features, since it is a tech-demo that shows some capabilities of the engine. They already have a combat demo you can try and of course there will be other features than just the possibility to fly around. lol.
Will be shit.
well the worlds and graphic looks nice.. but uhmm.. pretty boring to fly around and nothing happens^^
enjoyed playing freelancer multiplayer back then :D
that's geat, but the distances seems quite flawed and what is the point in this game?
It sure looks alot like those other slow-paced-lots-of-space-but-nothing-to-do MMORPGS.
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