dreaming about..

some germans getting banned :S

i dreamed about some german ET players getting banned... :l

cant just think any cheating germans.....
no lol man wtf are you retarded? junky = veri veri skilled
germany = new poland
:((((((((( u cant be serious :(
no, actually i consider germany waaay worse than poland regarding cheaters.
:/ 'ok' hard words :(
I thought it was new Turkey
well ye, turkey is a special case!
I think many Germans is said to play the codes, but for example gr0ss crossfire challenge was 7 and played so well I should not say to other impostors and there is no evidence
I think many Germans is said to play the codes, but for example gr0ss crossfire challenge was 7 and played so well I should not say to other impostors and there is no evidence
Gute Taktik, sich selber verdächtigen, damit die anderen denken, dass du nur lustig sein willst. Und am Ende cheateste doch :d
Ironic is not trying to shut up but I do not speak English, so I use Google Translate you're gay
be yourself and learn Finnish Finnish and English gay
Dutch I know a few words about your mother has an egg is meder heeft je pik
your mother cock
then I have no reason to live
the crew around bong, wodka and all this guys which are suddenly med/+ since nopb ^^
Afaik boNg and woDka didn't really experience any skillboost since the release of that new config ;~)
no i meant this two AND all the ones with skillboost
I think many Germans is said to play the codes, but for example gr0ss crossfire challenge was 7 and played so well I should not say to other impostors and there is no evidence
I think many Germans is said to play the codes, but for example gr0ss crossfire challenge was 7 and played so well I should not say to other impostors and there is no evidence
I think many Germans is said to play the codes, but for example gr0ss crossfire challenge was 7 and played so well I should not say to other impostors and there is no evidence
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