Android vs. iphone

After the successful Conference (Google I/O) held by google (ofc) in San Francisco, i just want to say that Apple got bashed so hard with all these features coming out with android 2.2 (Portable Hotspot and USB Tethering, Flash Support,JavaScript-Heavy Webapps Work Well, ...)
i dont think Apple can reach what Android just did (or maby they dont want to)
but Steve Jobs has a different opinion:

image: 153228-jobsdis
Quotesuccessfull Conference (Google I/O) held by google (ofc) in San Francisco
QuoteAfter the successful Conference (Google I/O) held by google (ofc) in San Francisco, i just want to say that Apple got bashed so hard with all these features coming out with android 2.2 (Portable Hotspot and USB Tethering, Flash Support,JavaScript-Heavy Webapps Work Well, ...)
good one mate
stop hatin' saatana mulkku :/
you were supposed to stop trolling m8
baq allowed me
tethering also works on the iphone

but having no flash sucks :S
i am disappointed
of course an open platform is better but then people still looooooveeee apple stuff cause it's white
couple weeks ago, an iphone developer had succeded to run android under an ipohne
damn racists
White iPhone is considered "diffrent" from the "normal" one. Which is black. Granted thier "stuff" is usually white/silver. I prefer the black phone, I was going to get white, then I thought, its just too camp looking.
apple iphone's multitouch is still unbeaten
Google's Nexus One has also multitouch, but due to certain patents (between HTC and Apple) Google has disable it (you can always activate it :D)
What about the HTC desire?
actually the android has multi touch as well now
Competition is good, we will have better and better phones from Apple and Google. Hope Microsoft can reach their quality, because the more good phones there are, the more they will be nice and greatly updated !
haha but there is more to owning the market then only having a good product nerd.

I could develop a phone with 3 times the functionality the iPhone or the Android has for that matter. But that won't mean I will sell the damn thing, will it?

Better think twice before calling any phone a worthy competitor for the iPhone.
Actually most new Android phones are worthy :p
Product-wise I concur. But is the marketing as good as Apple's?

Apple has one of the broadest target markets out there.. because of the great accesibility that comes with their products.

For a consumer such as the average nerd on here functionality is the highest priority so they will always go for the Android(also just because it is the latest thing out there) but the average Joe will still want an iPhone.

Advertising and Marketing make the product, not the quality. (whereas the quality has become a part of the marketing which envelops a lot more then just the physical product and its functions)
Costs is becoming a big factor since hardley anyone has any money. The UK contracts for the HTC desire are much cheaper than the iphone and you get a better phone with the desire.
yeah but facebook-twitter-myspace-kids dont really care about what they get
dude, you need to check the latest sales states.
and i dont need to reminds you who leads the inet ads atm.

Quote by an1mal
I could develop a phone with 3 times the functionality the iPhone or the Android has for that matter. But that won't mean I will sell the damn thing, will it?

indeed quality doesn't mean anything , but you cant sell crappy products when there are strong competition out there even with good marketing , you can see that with Nokia's Symbian and Microsoft's Widows 7 Mobile , ...

I look forward to June 7
Dude you should check Apple's current market share.
Sales stats from the last quarter :
Android : 4 639 000 sold
iPhone : 4 511 000 sold

Android sales will surpass iPhone sales by 2012 according to some researchs
Im an Android fan however these figures don't mean that much if you look at how many different Android phones there are out there compared to the iphone which only has a few models.
nokia 5800 + CFW > *
at least HTC's android phones are crap compared to iphone
on what have you been based to extract that conclusion ?

if its your personal view okey , otherwise could you provide us some confidents sources
personal view of 3 different HTC models I have used next to iphone :)
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