How I Met Your Mother Finale

Expected more, in the middle of the episode I really was angry, but eventually everything went better than expected (I don't want to mention why since it will be a spoiler)

Overall, it's alright, other finales were much much dramatic, this, ended like a normal episode (but a good episode of course)

It hurts me to agree with Meez, finales this year were a disaster (LOST was only emotional, I'm starting to raise questions about what the fuck was the series all about, although I enjoyed every episode and a moment of it)

Flash Forward(at least on friday) and LOST are gone for good, and no "new" series are seen on the horizon...What a disappointing year...
I'm at season 2 onlY
better stop after season 2

season 3,4,5 is shit
Better get out of my journal...
I heard the best is in next seasons ? :o
It is, never believe a german who likes HSV FC
Lost is pointless in every season. Polar bear running around etc :D
c'est ma vie...
putain t'en a inspiré des scénaristes, californication, nip tuck et maintenant how i met your mother :DD
t'as vu ca un peu mec :p!
im at s05e20=)
in this wall of text I only read the word Meez

made me happy :>
browsing crossfire as well
Lost and HIMYM were the only series I have watched throught the 2 weeks (after watching Dexter's season finale
No more Dexter? :((
Whyyy? Best Series ever..
season final....not final final ^^ like nearly every us series has the season final before summer and start again after
I met your mother too, again.
Hmm... wasn't that great.
So now after watching it... This cant be the end, can it?
End of the series? No of course not, but the end of the current season (6th confirmed)
Ah, then its ok.
any idea when 6th season will be released?
~ september? as usual i guess
cant wait.
i'm at s05e25
he also plays PES
whaha so true :D

i got 2 cats, when one barfs iam like: fuck you, now i have to clean that shit up... but before i move the other cat eats it :D
hahahaha made me laugh
my dog doin same :P
cool stuff bro :p
yeah it was a weird ending indeed, i didnt even notice that it was the last episode until you said it. dissapointing then...
had the same feeling. i think the series isnt what it was in the very beginning.
i had some good laughter in the earlier ones...but ye, the others are old but gold :)
best serie ever: the oc

tried other series, but they couldnt keep me entertained..
burn notice final episode of season 3 > *
season finale or overall finale?
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