your sleeping pattern?
25 May 2010, 22:20
how much do you sleep on working days and at weekends?
normally around 3-5 hours on working days, holding up with energy drinks, sometimes day naps.
on weekends, after party if noone touches me i can sleep 15+ hours np, restoring mah energy.
normally around 3-5 hours on working days, holding up with energy drinks, sometimes day naps.
on weekends, after party if noone touches me i can sleep 15+ hours np, restoring mah energy.
weekend: 9hours
Saturday not alot
Sunday alot
weekends moar
1 week 23:00 - 5:00
1 week 06:00 - 13:00
you don't work
and getting sponsored from parents, hehohehooheheh
weekends: 00.00-10.00
today is an exception since i got no work tomorrow
I can has sumemrholiday.
weekend 4/5
Saturday VERY little, I get up at 4 for work..
Rest of the week I get loads of sleep coz I've left school now fuck yeah! But I can see that changing as I'm probably going to get a new job and work full time until uni
weekend 10h
weekends 8-12
+8 weekends
weekends: 6-7h at night + 2-3h during a day
friday-saturday 6 hours
sunday morning to afternoon about 9 hours
10+ hours on weekends
Around 10-12 hours on weekends.
Weekend: 0-20
and weekend is different lol sometimes 14 sometimes 4
Right now I'm ill so it's messed up.
weekend: 12+, from 5 something
around 4 hours per day
weekends: 8/10 hours
around 8 hours
weekend 8/10 hours
studeert ge van oktober tem juni keihard, hebt ge 3 / 4 herexamens en moogt ge de helft van uwen zomer ook nog es wegsmijten aan studeren
weekend 12 hrs
So it's usually 23:30-06:30 on weekdays.
In weekends I can't really sleep in because I suffer from a thing called weekend migraines, which can be sparked by sleeping too much/long >.< So it's also around 8h.
week 10 - 12h
schooldays 5hours
weekend 14+ if I don't go out