Crod is cool
26 May 2010, 12:00
Journals If this isnt obvious then cheats should be allowed.
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
care he is crod:))))<3
and look at the crosshair?? How you can aim him randomly there?
There is nothing obvious there...ridiculous
He cant see that guy jumping there even with wh when he is back towards on him.
He knew spawntime and randomly just turn and shot nothing obvious.
Enemy simply spawned and he shot the wall for fun, lucky guy.
Plus he is back towards enemy and then turns around and shoots, he dont have eyes on back so wh didnt help on that situation at all.
And yeah,in his interview he said he likes to pretend to cheat,but still.. moreover, if he had wh, why couldnt he has 360 fov hax? :)
Clean avi
like "fake persons" running around visible just for hackers etc :D