The right voting age

The right voting age is essay's topic.

What should i write about? Anything i shouldnt forget?
you should write that this topic doesnt have one solution, that people have differences between themself, therefore its not easy to say when they should be allowed to vote. you should also consider, that lower voting age might have some advantages (why the hell shouldnt people under 18/21 vote? what is that for? they already have brain and might know what is going on) and disadvantages (easy infulenced by parents/teachers etc.)
thats nice, anything else popping in your superb head?
you could also use that age isnt necessarily a sign of maturity etc
yeah,thats nice point about there is lot of say. how would you recognize maturity then etc. needs lot of thinking but might result in something worthy
nothing much, said the points I would write that whole about :)
you can fo sho add some facts - which you on the other hand will have to search for - some history or other country rules about that.
if I will get some other idea, I will let you know :)
alright thanks, il get typing
I would venture that people should vote when they would normally assume the responsibilities of adulthood, which is something determined by the mores and customs of a society. Unless you're writing for a psych class.
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