you gotta love dem polaks

played a lowmed 3v3 with real life mate and a random guy called ThaIBoXeR.

found trivium guy Poland dommy, i got highest acc on first map and 80 hs etc rolled ez med skill.

next map, braundorf, i was like yeaaa booi fucking it Poland Poland and b4 does compute yea.

so they guys rolled the shit out of us, i insta raged 7-8k damage while we had 4k so yeah, EPIC NADES ON THE SPOTS THAT LEAVE YOU WITH 10HP AND 29 SEC ON THE SPAWN CLOCK - PROGAMERS.

golden rule of the day:

never play Poland in 3v3, never

image: fffuuu
subnet ban for whole poland imo.
you dont count as a polak kurwa since u and cursed and silent haz dem Germany ip so no lag np :)))

ty for the babe
seems you like this gif hahaha
not as much as you xD
my dog looks the same way when i show her food but i dont give it hahaha
agree dunzy m8 :-)
yeyey polaks on hax again blalbblbalalbabl

gtfo , its sad coz you guys don't 'count' other nationality ppl than Poland.. who iz hexin..
ej ej ej ej eat shit and die
;o nasty motherfucker
u gonna fap

shes a beaut'!
its same in every country, fags are everywhere..
no its just that polish people immigrant to all other countries to get jobs...hence spreading the hacking.
your comment just proven your nick ^^
I dont rly understand where is that polish-hate from,not just in et.
+ fockin 1 clon
cuz ur dna is filthy and thats why u've always been a shit country
another comment proving your nick :-D
keep going!
You would disapprove when you would see the Polish women...
oh,what a serious argument,rly! :D
moreover,you should go to school and learn, that my, czecz flag, isnt polish one.
you cant insult me calling me polak cuz I dont have anything agains them
u rly r a retard :d

narrow minded shithead XD
but his argument about jobs is right tbh!they take less money than west european workers...and every1 needs to save money nowadays so the polags get the job(even if there is a shitty quality) instead of the native workers...before i joined the army i was building worker and most of the ppl on big construction sites were from poland other east european countries =S
thats rubbish :) if u want to work , u will get work no matter what :=D

btw, i got 4 pl ppl working where for me to, so i know what im talking bout :)
u wrong mate =/

im not talking for a single person, im talking bout familiy concerns..if there is a polish concern which want less money as a german concern the polish concern will get the job...
but apartment rents, food prices etc etc etc are higher in germany than in poland, thats the reason the will work for less money...
dont get me wrong its not meant to be discriminatory but its only the unlucky truth :D
tbh :) we simply didntt find such workers around in our country, thats why we took pl to do that work :)

they see work as work, others dont see it that way (thats what i noticed around here)
germany doesnt took them for work, they came here and started working, we call that "schwarzarbeit" which means they are here to work with out a working license.dunno if u got ma point now? =/
ah! now i do :D
angry polak in da house, hide the silver guys
how about, u look closely where im from :)

im glad to say, that the retards dont live in pl :)
Her lip is cracked, but her eyes are pretty.
QuoteHer lip is cracked

HowWHY do you even notice that? :P
Because as I was fapping thinking about her tits, I wanted to cum on her face, and there we have it... I saw her lip was cracked.
so cum in the crack and fill it up, problem solved! :D:D
mad phantasy ;) not your problem :) no lack ;)
polak in 2v2 are even worse rofl,
golden rule on gtv...always bet on the polaks
the golden rule is simple: never play low/med vs polaks, frogs and benelux guys
Germany flR

image: 658860489
Quote by flRthe golden rule is simple: never play low/med vs polaks, frogs and benelux guys

so wheres the link between low cheaters and small connections?
your small penis :*'DDDDDDDDDDD
fresse du homoprinz :DD
you didn't point out the reason why someone should not play versus the nationalities you mentioned
play them on low/med level and u face to nearly 100% cheaters. same goes of course for other nations too, but not with that high percentage
I am Polish and I wouldn't consider me being far above the regular med skill, so am I a cheater? you can't really judge, because you never played me, but I can tell you that I do not cheat and until proven otherwise you will have to believe me : )
did i say u cheat - if yes you read sth i havent wrote! the low/med guys i played since pb is off were mostly obviously cheating, thats what i've said
Dein Englisch ist nicht gut genug um dich zu verstehen :P Du hast ausgedrückt das es besser ist gegen JEDEM Polen nicht zu spielen, und ich bin ein Pole. Deine Gründe dafür hast du genannt und ich habe dir erklärt das du dich wohl irrst..
dummfick vom feinsten
Unglaublich wie verblödet du bist, habe ich dich etwa beleidigt? Nein? Also, gehe zurück zur Herde deiner Freunde die - wahrscheinlich - mit dir das Niveau teilen.

Erst redest du b-s vom feinstem, und dann beleidigst du noch. Hat dir deine Mutti auch mal benehmen beigebracht?
du bist wohl eher derjenige der es nicht rafft was ich gesagt habe du herdenkrieger (OMG Beleidigung!!! -___-).

Quoteplay them on low/med level and u face to nearly 100% cheaters. same goes of course for other nations too, but not with that high percentage.


Quotedid i say u cheat - if yes you read sth i havent wrote! the low/med guys i played since pb is off were mostly obviously cheating[/b], thats what i've said

wo bitte steht da IRGENDWAS was dich persönlich betrifft??? was weiß ich ob ich jemals gegen dich gespielt habe oder nicht, und selbst wenn war es wohl nichts besonderes!
und du kannst wohl auch schlecht verneinen, dass viele deiner "landsleute" nicht am hacken sind. wenn du ein problem mit pauschalisierungen hast, ist das deine sache. ich rege mich auch nich jedesmal auf weil irgendein drecksspinner alle deutschen als nazis bezeichnet.

2. kann ich nichts dafür wenn du "dummfick vom feinsten" nicht kennst und es als beleidigung auffasst
Quote by flRthe golden rule is simple: never play low/med vs polaks, frogs and benelux guys

clear case, your arguments are invalid due to your prior statement.
alter wie dumm bist du mit deinen 17 jahren???? wenn ich zu nahezu 100% gegen cheater spiele auf low/med, dann suche ich einfach kein low/med. und wenn ich keine low/med suche spiele ich kein low/med und damit sind wir bei nie. meine herren ...
golden rule:
never play with totally random med players coz they r always ex haxors
HAHAHAH DUNZY aKA VESSAR U SUCK :D:D:d ps. you can win, if ur pro Trivium! match report
lol radari , u are fucking no skill, and nirv and mr C too... Sandi have fucking humanized aimbot, without human he is fucking noob like u ;o
ps3. (vESSAR)) you aim like i dunno
(vESSAR)) your mystic
You obviously never played againt me!
You don't know who you are talking/writing to!
Actually, it does!
I'd assume hes pointing out the guy has a shit connection and therefore nobody would want to play against him.
well if its like that why even bother playing vs anyone who got ping higher 48?

since mine is 98, or even down to 70 on good servers i dont see any reason to whine about it. tbh everybody is playing vs freeze with his 110 warp only ping, or vs us/jp tards with > 200 pings
Dont complain to me, was just my intepretation of his comment.
I meant something like: how dare you say that somebody shouldn't play against the guys of the nations you mentioned, if yourself - most likely - are not the kind of person someone really would like to play against due to your bad connection (again assumed, but you did the same).
Not really..
That, my smart friend are my hitboxes
i gues u just suck :)
u mad nerd?
it's my fault, I shouldn't have played mixes vs med skills :< btw. I owned ya all on both maps so don't lie next time
you should consider reading my replies : )
dommy? maybe dummy? :)
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