What are you doing this summer?
27 May 2010, 12:26
So, what is crossfire doing this summer?
Me: for 8 weeks, then a lil'bit of hiking on (1 week or so).
Me: for 8 weeks, then a lil'bit of hiking on (1 week or so).
e: and invited some of my ex-clan mates to meet in basel :)
su jutus puudub tõde
Though, I was invited to a BBQ in Norway this August, I'm in Portugal at the time though :(
Me > You
i went to the ice bar in oslo, was there for opening night!
avi? :)
lekkere poekoeeeeeee
And because we're all totally skint we're just basically going to jump in our cars and go camping every second week in the highlands and just have a great time 8D Going to be good.
I started playing guitar in my band, writing melodies and lyrics atm.
Good holiday is gonna be good
hardangevidda looks awesome btw
besides that..no idea.. chilling in the sun and reading some nice books or so.
vacation time will be october.. visiting my sister @ san diego /california
1 week to Algarve with my friends
3 days at Delta Tejo festival
3 days at Super Bock Super Rock festival
4 days at SW '10 festival
2 days at Super Bock Surf Fest festival
3 days at Avante festival
rest of days i will spend on beach with my friends and gf
Now you can understand why I'm not choosing AEF over this place :P
- Partying with Friends
disco disco party party ROFL
- Working little bit to be able to hangoutandparty.
- Fixing stuff around House