FlashForward S01E22

Another journal, because it's just worth it. Through the season it kept me entertained, sometimes disappointed, sometimes surprised, but enjoyed every moment of it. It has gone a little weird in the middle, but continued great.

This finale was one of the bests seasons finale I have seen in a while, and probably the best finale in this year...Was an AMAZING episode, and clearly the writers did NOT expect it to be canceled, since they definitely showed they were planning for another season(for those who saw the episode should know)

I wasn't too afraid and sad when they announced the cancel, but after I have just seen this last episode, I'm fucking going to kill whoever canceled it.

Worth watching at least all the season for the last episode, seriously one of the best episodes this year...

Bye FlashForward :(
I've just been watching a couple of episodes from Spartacus, I think you were one of them that said it's a good show.

Well, storyline is a bit stupid and most of the acting is stupid and there's too much blood & gore to take it serious yet everytime I do wanna know what happens to the Thracian in the next episode.

So thanks.
I never said it's a good show (never commented on it in a positive or a bad way, except for the slow motions and the random blood which was rather annoying than impressive)
I quited watching it after the second episode, but continued later on, and I'm at episode 11 atm. It's alright, a series every one should experience as it offers something different, but I won't recommend it as it's just too different. Good show non the less...
told ya jews have a weird ass taste
I was the one with the spartacus show. One of the best shows so far tbh even with its low budget
that was stupid end, now everybody go back to the ep1 and start again ?:s
sorry for spoiler
Have to say, this new upcoming series looks very interesting:
trailer didn't spark my enthusiasm thát much.

looks ok tho.
What DOES spark your enthusiasm so you will be pleased?
so did flashforward "end" and won't be broadcasting no more? should we watch the event?
looks good, gonna try it out
Yeah but this journal, is not the event.

I'm looking forward to Undercovers instead!

looks awesome in fact lol
a bit disappointed that most of the new series are going to be comedies


looks interesting too ^^
looks okay :) i might give it a try, thanks
ill be wathcing it after breakfast=)
Too bad they cancelled s2 because now i'm stucked with an annoying feeling :(
same here...ending was truly amazing, and promises us some really nice second season imo
no more Peyton List :((((
whaha i though im the only one who noticed how damn hot she is :D
I guess you're so wrong ;)
meifo ata morid ta sidra?
its sad tbh.. great serie
QuoteI wasn't too afraid and sad when they announced the cancel, but after I have just seen this last episode, I'm fucking going to kill whoever canceled it.

fantastic :) a huge shame if it wont continue, same thing happened to awesome jericho :(
awesome - I can watch it now i know it's cancelled
great ending :)
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