nvidia drivers suck

new nvidia drivers suck!

downgraded =)
upgrading vidcard drivers is overrated
you mean 197.45?
downgrade to which one?
to the previous one =)
257.15 is out as beta..
yea, I just saw and downloading atm.
always suck, already downgraded 3 times :XD
You don't know anything about sucky drivers until you've used proprietary ATI Linux drivers.
why does it suck?

e: don't downgrade to 196.75 cause:

QuoteA rather serious bug has been discovered in the recently released Nvidia 196.75 GPU drivers. So serious in fact, that it could cause your graphics card to be permanently damaged. As such, I'll put the warning in bold: downgrade immediately to the 196.21 drivers unless you want your GPU fans to slow to a crawl or stop altogether, causing your shiny, expensive video card to overheat and possibly suffer a permanent hardware failure.

Here's Nvidia's official statement, along with an extra warning from Blizzard:

We are aware that some customers have reported fan speed issues with the latest 196.75 WHQL drivers on NVIDIA.com. Until we can verify and root cause this issue, we recommend that customers stay with, or return to 196.21 WHQL drivers. Release 196.75 drivers have been temporarily removed from our Web site in the meantime.

-Nvidia PR

We're getting reports where users are getting intermittent low FPS after installing these drivers. It seems that it is related to the fan control included in these drivers not working correctly and is causing the video card to overheat on 3D applications. This will affect Warcraft 3, World of Warcraft and StarCraft 2 Beta. Please uninstall the drivers and revert back to the older ones.

-Blizzard PR
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