script question help out pls :)


i dont know how to do it and need some help for:

id like to have a script to switch on crosshairhealth 1 with ALT, and switch it off by pressing it again and get my cyan crosshair back.

i want a script to change sens when im shooting :D so normal sens when playing, and when press mouse1 i want lower sens for tracking, then go back when i stop shooting. (actually possible?)

thanks in advance!

also, why is the 180 degree script disallowed?
Sensitivity toggle -> biggest shit ever
Never ever use it. You need insane muscle memory to be good with it

180 script is disallowed because you dont get any spread with it (cg_crosshairpulse 1 and turn around, then use a script and observe)
just wanna try out, but probably you both are right.
hey thanks a lot!!

i wonder myself, but i just wanna try out some things and mess around with it. maybe i totally fail, maybe i can get used to it and gain some advantage (i can need it, you know :D)
ah :D but i understood it the right way.

i once played with spreadscale 1, and with my low sens i hardly had any spread.. so i guess the point is right, but forbid it is a bit lame :P
Well to be honest to you: you get less spread with quick movements than slow ones.

For instance, make a 360 turn with low sens
Then make 360 turn with highsens (5+) and observe the changes.

Certain speed gives the most spread, so its better to turn around pretty slow or pretty fast
hm okay i didnt know that.

i can remember i set my sensitivity so that when i move normally, the spread doesnt come :P

i check what you said afterwards, would be interesting...
Example on how much it moves (||||| represents full spread)

360 turn very slow

360 turn slow

360 turn midspeed

360 turn fast

360 turn really fast

Does not comput!
bind x "toggle cg_crosshairHealth 1 0"

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