ro win

lolz just opened pc and wanted to see on what place Romania finished at eurovision...and when i saw 3 i was like rofl wtf
unexpected because we usually have no friends

why does uk have only 10 points?they were so bad or its just because nobody likes them? :DDD
they sucked epically.
Romania was good, and concerning UK - both =) anyway

someone who really thinks that contests like these are about how many friends you have or that it depends on the votes should slam their head against a concrete wall 'till his skull cracks.

For me eurovision is more than just voting a song, it has indeed proposition of relationships between countries. 0 points from israel to germany e.g. but 12 from the swiss =)
rofl, you be fag.
Hoi super mario =)
finally back home <o/
where are the dogs ? =DDD
could not care less, they ate what remained of my soul
In my honest opinion it has nothing to do with the songs being performed at all, its just one big event where certain people make huge profit off and make people like you think that the result depends on the relationship between countries. But atleast your a step ahead from the people who think that the result depends on their text-message.
Alright, strong argument. I used to say the same when I still walked around with my eyes closed.
Do I have to argue about this? :D
Well I wont force you to do anything, but when I disagree or agree on something I usually give reasons why.
You rather close your eyes again like you used to do
Now thats a choice each person has to make for himself.
He half has a point, but not completely. All of the songs that are in that shit are complete crap and nobody should suffer the kind of shit some countries do, it's just not nice on the ears.

On the other hand, it isn't all about money either.
interesting 8D
well, everything comes back to money but eurovision is also about other things
sure is, how to get earcancer in 5 seconds for example
That's why the main financiers like England, Germany and France are so successful?
germany was...

england are never successfull.. the only way england wouldnt come in last 3 places is if the USA were to join up.
Germany is never successful. The big countries are disliked by most. :) (Germany, France & UK always place somewhere at the bottom except when they send actually something really "good")
we could put craig david on there.. still wouldnt stand a chance.
UK Song writer was a man who wrote for RICK ASTLEY Aswell , it was really old school song, sounded really.. special :D.
you won cuz paula is so fucking unbelievably hot :D
imo israel deserved a better place, i was surprised at how good skaat was and his performance topped almost everyone there tbh
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