BP oil leak

So BP has made this massive oil leak in the Mexican Gulf and they seem to keep failing to plug up the hole.
Now they may have not been putting all the effort in plugging the hole, at least they hire a couple 100 temps to 'work' on the problem while the president is in town. And as soon as Obama left, so did the temps.

"I'd be a lot less upset about this if they would have at least stayed to clean the beach."

I say, well played BP, now gtfo and plug that hole.


image: yO6jm

image: Controller_Tshirt

give me one good reason to spoil oil?
i like this leak :)
pics or it didn't happen!
poor animals :/
So glad I don't work for them anymore :D
Yea, it' s as if plugging a hole in the seabed spewing out oil at 1000's of PSI is an easy task.
I never said that it was easy, but if they're putting effort in hiring temps for PR reasons they're atleast doing something wrong.
Seems pretty normal to me, I'm sure everyone else would do the same.
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