Jokes of the day! Gather here

So okok. Everybody likes to read crossfire, so lets make a journal where everyone posts one joke which he\she likes. One joke/persone. Ofc joke can and will be found from some website.

PS. Post a website where you found the joke.

Well I loved this on:

For anyone who missed Eurovision, here's what songs were played:

France- Runaway
Iceland- Ashes to ashes
Greece- Money
Germany- Rule the world
Portugal- I want my baby back
Israel- Disco inferno
U.K.- Polish national anthem
What is the difference between a battery and a women?
Battery also has a positive side

A man ran over a women. Who's to blame?
the women. Why did she get out of the kitchen?

What is the little window in the kitchen?
The women's point of view

What is a blond doing in 5 points level math?
Going down to 4.

Man is seeking one woman, smart, intelligent, good...Actually 3 women.

What do you call a woman who lost her brain?
A widow.

Women knows how to do 70 things. 69 and coffee.

They say there are good women in every corner. Too bad the world is circle.

I don't hate you, it's all from humor.
Actually the Earth is a geoid. And I am pretty sure the universe has three dimensions also.
Stopped reading after "Everybody likes to read crossfire"

They like the part when the hooker gives the money back
is that all you got?
U.K.- Polish national anthem

do not get -_-''
so many polaks in the uk

jokes are not funny when you explain them...

Because there's no snow in kitchens
Too long leash
A do it yourself-Jesus-package
Rasta man goes to the bank with a 25 kg bag of marijuana and hands it over to the cashier...shocked, the cashier asks.."Whats this for?"...the Rastman replies..."Me here to open a joint account"
The Eternal Optimist

Three friends had a good friend named Joe and he was, naturally, an eternal optimist. At every bad situation he would always say ''It could have been worse.'' His friends hated that quality about him, so they came up with a story so horrible that not even Joe could come up with a bright side.

So the next day, only two of his friends showed up for a golf date.
Joe asked, ''Where's Gary?''

And one of his friends said, ''Didn't you hear? Yesterday, Gary found his wife in bed with another man, shot them both, and then turned the gun on himself.''
Joe says,''Well it could have been worse.''

Both his friends said, ''How in hell could it be worse? Your best friend just killed himself!''

Joe says, ''If it had happened two days ago, I'd be dead now!''
haha loled loudly :D
good indeed =DD
A starlet is seated next to a lawyer on a long flight. She craves her sleep, but he keeps waking her up. "Let's play a trivia game," he suggests. "If I answer wrong, I'll pay you $50. If you answer wrong, you owe me $5."
The starlet agrees, and the lawyer goes first. "What's the distance between the earth and the moon?"
The starlet hands the lawyer $5. Now it's her turn. "What goes up a mountain on three legs and comes down on four?"
The lawyer is dumbstruck. He scans the Internet, flips through his pocket encyclopedia, and texts every scientist he can find. No dice. Hours later, he wakes up the starlet, hands her $50, and asks, "So what's the answer?"
Without a word, she hands him $5 and goes back to sleep.
she gave him the question so that she could sleep while he figured out the answer
aaah.. thx :D
she just earned $40
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