The human train busted?

If you watched Paris-Roubaix or The tour of Flanders you have seen how fenomenal Cancellara is.. Well there are some people saying he doped his bike and used somekind of an engine to go faster :o I don't know what to think of it but it's possible to do it so yeah then you can almost be sure that there will be people using it..

Too bad for Boonen if it would be true :(
image: 2ahegar

doping + cycling? wow this is like saying:
cheating + enemy territory
agree but this is some really new stuff.. It's not the usual epo stuff.. You can compare it with cheats implied in your mousedrivers, nobody would expect that and would ever check someone's drivers at lan ;-)
after certain research:
image: mythbusters_plausible_spray1
dno but i want such a bike :(

translation is a bit wrong btw :)
Haha, I find this funny. Did anyone notice the loud noise that engine generated? And they expect no one will notice in a race? :)
The way he just rides away from the other cyclist without actually showing a lot of extra efford is kinda fishy though.
the footage from Paris-Roubaix looked a bit weird, but Flanders was normal, Boonen slowed down on a low gear, Cancellara kept pushing the same pace.
Still requires a huge amount of effort to do the hill climbs sitting down like that, at those speeds. But kudos to him if he was clean :p
Cancellara can develop a huge amount of power sitting down, that's why he's also such a good time trialer. Before he could only do it on a flat road or a flat climb, but since he lost weight, he can also use it on harder climbs
I don't really follow this sort of cycling as I'm more into dh/4x etc, was just basing it on the other cyclists in both clips when he rolls past them : )
road bikes wheels/tubes (are filled with 8-10 atmospheres) and produce really load noise so that u can't hear practically anything also other mechanisms produce sounds
those bikes hardly produce any noise except breaking the wind/air
have u ever been on one driving it on a totally flat road?
Yes, if everything runs smooth, you will only hear a "woosh" if a cyclist passes you. If you ride it yourself there should be nothing but the wind. if you ride a climb, you can sneak up on people. The tyres hardly make any noise at all.
i myself found the sound so sweet when i had 10 atmosphere tires and rode bike myself also the rims or whatever they are called in english make a change carbon makes more sound than aluminium specially if it's a high rim
true, rims and wheels can make a huge difference/noise. A time trial with two closed wheels sounds like a steamtrain :D
1st one is never closed !, u'd need to be superman to keep the bike straight and if wind blew a bit stronger u would be fucked right away
They used to do it sometimes when bikes were heavier, but nowadays it's almost impossible. Also the rims and spokes are so much better that a closed wheel isn't better anymore.
maybe for trek they can use 1st one a wheel coz of no sidewind factor. Whatever material, a wheel is always more efficient than a ring coz of inertia which keeps a wheel going round and round.
i guess ur a cyclist urself and know how much harder it is to make a wheel start spinning than a regular spoked rim and once u get them spinning they maintain the avg speed.
not the first one though :)
but wtf at him escaping at paris-roubaix :o
They don't use PunkBuster so they cheating.

Where we know it?
you tryed to be funny?
pb is without chance against this, this is private cheat, they are busting him by demo
They are in need of Killerhero!
Am I the only one that thought about this when he was 8?
well, i thought about inventing a guitar pick that picks by itself very fast so you dont need to pick by your own.

then i found out, you cant change time with only 1 picking speed.

then i saw paul gilbert doing it with a drilling machine, and i was like ":( wtf" :D
less steroide, more brain please :D
That's awesome :O
too bad for tornado
It's awesome to have on a bike, but I don't think it's used in professional cycling.
Cancellara is a very strong rider. Since he lost weight he's able to do some climbs as well. This year he was in very good shape during those weeks, but after that he needed a break, since he gave absolutely everything.
I also cannot believe that this kind of stuff is used in the professional circuit. The time in wich whole teams are doping is supposed to be over and it's impossible that he did this on his own (with help of some guys).. Cause his mechanics would have noticed it, if his tire would have been stuck he would have changed his bike.. All the mechanics would have known, ofcourse they could have payed them bigtime but I don't think that Cancellara can risk smth like this..

But then again if you believe what Landis said about the whole bus being doped then everything is possible..
I don't think they could hide something like that from other teams, especially not with the noise the engine makes. Besides, Cancellara is not that kinda guy, he worked hard to improve for years and years.
Imo the riders who dope are those who couldn't make it to the top or at least wanted to win different races. People like Landis cheated and now that he's broke, he tried to get money by blackmailing people. They didn't respond, so now he's trying to drag people with him.
There will probably always be cyclists who dope (just like in most other sports), but I think the days of everyone doing it are over.
so you think that Armstrong won all his Tour's clean :D you really have to be stupid to believe that.. the guy is a natural talent, no doubt but almost all people who ended behind him got caught on dope and Landis ain't the first one to accuse Armstrong
Yes, I believe in Armstrong. Till now all accusations turned out to be false. What Landis said is definitely not gonna change that, since he lied for so many years and tried to blackmail Bruyneel/Armstrong. And for example, Landis said he went to a Swiss clinic for blood transfusions with Armstrong during the Tour de Suisse. Turned out that Armstrong didn't even ride there that year.
Armstrong get's Testosterone injections cuz of his cancer, prolly got that from the T he was injecting before he got it aswell. Everyone in sports is using Growth hormones and other designer DNA altering substances that the EOC doesn't even know about or can't detect, there's plenty of that out there according to some Doctors.

Without all these different substances, be it steroids or the new generation genetic engineering, the level of sport competition wouldn't be anywhere close to what it is today.

I guess we can be thankfull for that but it is really misleading to normal people thinking they can become the best in something only to eventually find out that the "natural" human body has way higher limitations than what people see on TV.

Take Phelps for example, he's supposed to have some gene defect that makes him "superhuman" There are people like that, but it'S really rare and I think the the majority of top athletes have made themselves superhuman with cutting edge science and ofc hard training...

Still is cheating but even then, they're all doped anyways so in the end, the best will still win :D
Where did you get the info that Armstrong gets testosterone injections? Even if he was allowed to take a bit because of his one testical, they would easily bust him if the testosterone level would get too high.
I'm aware that there are lots methods to enhance your performance, but that's still no proof that everyone does it. Some athletes have special abilities out of nature.
google.. Thing is, everyone, with the right training can cycle a stage of the tour de france but that's pretty much it. Afterwards the muscles are so burnt out they need 1-3 days, depending on personal fitness etc to regenerate. All the cyclists need to do is inject or put on a testo patch for a few hours after the race and there levels will be normal and they'll regenerate in time for the next stage.

Everyone does it cuz you can't tell with either blood or urin. The only give away is that they will have consitently high T values over the whole race.. So basically even the EOC guys know they are doped but since the T values are in normal range they can't do anything.. Basically they are supporting cheating..

But like I said without all this stuff we'd have never gotten to such a high level and noone would have made money watching people give up races or finishing them almost coughing up their insides from exhaustion.
where can I get these testo patches :D ?
From a Doctor, but he'll prolly look at you funny :p

I could tell you where to buy them online but I do not support cheating :D
I don't think that will work, especially with nowadays blood passports. In the past they also said something similar about the hematocrit level, but those levels are far from consistent, at least with Armstrong.
It's common practice so I guess it does work :p

The media is pretty ignorant about it so I can understand your skepticism.
It's an interesting topic. How do you know so much about it?
Sorta have an obsession for the human body and it's hormonal functions through nutrition and other factors like Training or Doping for example. Been reading so much that it's just inevidable that you eventually stumble upon allot of information on performance enhancing substances.

If you really want to know more about the subject all you need to do is look for it, it's readily availible on the net.

Interesting subject idd :p
I follow cycling closely and I read a lot too. But inevitably there's also a lot of junk and conspiracy on the net. I also looked into testing methods and measurement. The Pechstein case is interesting for example. The blood values were extraordinary, but there also was lots of error in the methods and samples.
Well that's true but mostly when the topic is specifically about cycling or the sport in question the information being givin is very scarce and there's not allot of details. When you know some stuff from lectures, scientific papers/real validated studies etc you can piece allot together and find out what's most likly to be true.

There's allot of manipulation and disinformation going on about this subject (pretty much on allot of issues), from the media. Also on certain nutritional studies that show that there's allot of detremental toxins in foods and so on..

Just think about the fact that the Mr.Olympia's of this world are totally clean, after EOC standards ofc.
And they actually are when they get tested before competition but everyone knows that they didn't get those shredded muscles just from hard work and proper nutrition. You just need to put the pieces together.

A little knowledge on different subjects can go a long way in filtering out the huge ammounts of bullshit we see in various areas of life today. The only downside of seeing things as they are is that you start to envy the idiots of this world, they have it so much easier :D
It would be a lot easier indeed if detailed information was revealed. But I guess even if they would do that, there's still lots of manipulation, also from the media.
Look at the German media: they still can't get over it that their hero Ullrich was busted, so they take every small opportunity to disgrace Armstrong. On the other hand they leave out facts and proof in favor of Armstrong. For example: Armstrong won a lawsuit against his former soigneur Emma O'Reilly. She was broke and it was proven in court that she took money to make false statements. I didn't see any headlines about that, not even a small article.

I agree with you that certain sports are not natural. Body building and 100 meter sprinting for example is just one big pile of doping. It also annoys me that some sports associations protect their "athletes", even when a doping test is positive, like in football or tennis.
That's not fair, especially compared to cycling where they aren't even allowed to take a cough medicine when they are ill or some salve against saddle sores.
The reason they still protect them is because everyone does it in some way or another :D

Don't really care about all the drama they produce arround caught or accused athletes cuz the big picture is that it's normal to be on T and other substances as a professionell athlete. Even the golfers take shit to give them an edge :D

Like I said, be thankfull for all the shit that's out there because without it there wouldn't be anything worth wacthing :p
QuoteEven if he was allowed to take a bit because of his one testical, they would easily bust him if the testosterone level would get too high.

exceptions are made on some cases. some ppl have some numbers genetically all the time bigger(read more than allowed) but they are allowed and they will be tested and given new top which is way higher than normal sportsmen
If Armstrong's testosterone level is normal, he won't be allowed to take it any extra. Only if it is below normal, he will be allowed to increase it for health reasons.
yes but in some ppls cases the values NEVER come to a normal level and therefore are also more than allowed, they inject/take anything but they still have it higher ; )
True, same story with hematocrit. People who are born and live on high altitude are allowed some higher values. Like Bjarne Riis, he was probably born and raised in Colombia ;-)
now they need bike-ray to x-ray all the bikes, since i think it's gna be pretty in soon
Cancellara doesn't dope.
He doesn't dope.
lichamelijk / chemisch ni nee :p

mechanisch bestaan nu twijfels over :D
Twijfels? Omdat die Italianen een clipke naar buiten brengen? Komaan hé...
Tommeke wa doet ge nu?
Ik rij toch vele sneller dusja :D
den dag da gij nen officiele wedstrijd rijdt gannek aan de kant staan wachte om ne stok tusse u wiel te gooie :DD en dan doenek een danske
haha zo een chriske :D
vid_restart bug! srsly! :P
don't know what to think of it actually. Cancellara has always been a beast and he developped in a normal way, it's not that he suddenly became a superhero in one year, but what he did this year was just astonishing...
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