alexL ³ (Ger allowed)

Well after my first journal some weeks ago,

after 8 weeks with gym i lost 22 kilo and i train hardcore everyday,
i told ya i will keep the community up² date.
I almost only eat Salat chicken stuff and fish,
i lost since cdc2 alot of weight and i only need 10 kilo more to reach my final weight. ADONIS my new girl

Well i am also in a box club i want to be a bit variable and that is pretty decent!

I am still waiting for the police that criatura need to pay back the 100 euro from the nigger shit polek and from the sombrero voll idiot :D die polizei wurde verständigt junge fick dein leben du hund.

greetz goes to Ker1m,FiREBALL,AtroX,kReSti,flopjeHZ aka deo roller 2k10,qraibu and many other's like the dk guy's the be guys and especially the polish mafia!

So greetz and peace bros shoutout to alexL my homie


fat? opfer christmas clique macht mal eure fenster auf sonst nackenschelle.

Next journal in 2 months see ya !
must be your 1st kiss cuz you must add 2pics in post :D
I'll light a candle for you
"Well i am also in a box club i want to be a bit variable and that is pretty decent!"

what kind of boxing ?
go sparring? :D
Boxing @ nintendo wii
thats GIRL ? wtf...srsly ?

also, why the fuck you tell these things ? noone cares ! dont you have ppl RL to talk with ?

Also, sup with these pics of that girl ? Why do you post em, srsly :D Retard or what
gj kutgw
nice going humm3l
how much do u weight
aw gj :)
<3<3<3 / / . . pansy <33333333
hehe hiya hun :))
keep it up
what are you using the Ri flag? .. kid you're gettin a very decen slap up the head from me!!
why do people post their life storys on crossfire :D
more friends on crossfire than on facebook thats why!
i dont think thats a good thing ^^
u can make it to 50 stone! GO GO HUMMEL

next step fake tan :x
22 kg in 8weeks? It's too much man...
10kg = water
i'd hit her
keep it up! . .
Not hating or flaming or anything but, if you have a chick why do you have to post pics of you and her on crossfire.. what are you trying to prove to everyone. Just think stuff you do irl should be between your rl friends or close ET m8s
What do you think why he made a pic of them? Probably he told her that he had a e-life before and he promised her that is an end of this whole mess. But now he must prove in his e-life that he has real life.
+ fucking 1
nice adonis :DDD
retard reply to me

whats ur height/weight?
Fair enough of your gym shit, but why are you posting your girlfriend here as a mean of showing off? I got a girlfried first thing im gonna do is take a pic whilst were ksising and post it on crossfire.. Keep your private life YOUR private life.
humm3l du killer <3 :D
Wow, that is impressing. I am unhappy with myself, too, but haven't gotten around to work out as much as I wanted to yet. Your story gives me hope and shows me that there are good things in the world worth fighting for. I am happy for you to have found such a beautiful woman for yourself and I hope I will one day find love as well. I love you for that, bro.

j/k, you're pathetic, lulz.
haha best comment i've ever red :p
I love coin.
Well done!

I'll still stick to my way of losing weight slower than that :)
and get a hotter chick :3
Sup with ur weight :>?
Almost 40 in total now. (39,3)
wow, thats nice!
He is losing both - muscles and fat. If you lose your weight slower you will save some of your muscles. Too fast weight losing is not healthy at all, but it's still healthier than stayin' fat (but you need a good diet which will provide you needed minerals and stuff). It's good for you that you wanna lose on weight. No offence, but you were horribly fat.
Good luck!
I know that I was horribly fat and I still am, but I guess losing almost 40kg from last february 2009 isn't too bad at all :)

I'll keep on doing my diet and should reach my first desired goal around winter this year.
What's your current weight?
How tall are you?
What's your goal?
e: Lose your weight slowly, cause if you do it fast you might need a surgery.
Well, it's 137 at the moment while being 188cm tall. Don't even need to start arguing that I'm still heavily overweight.
First goal would be reaching 120 or even less till winter without losing too much muscles (39,3% atm according to one of those digital body measure scales). I will rather try to build up new ones and I'm pretty confident that it's easily doable with the workout I'm currently doing 3 times a week.

In 2011 I want this madness to end and be at a normal healthy weight.
stop drinking beer :P
You are an evil person.
I can't stop that :(

Well, I'm not drinking anything anymore unless there's some real special occasion (once a month maybe). It just tastes waaaaaaaaaay too good :-(
What about your final goal then?
17 kilos till winter ain't that much, but it won't be easy if you lose your motivation!
Do not give up! Fight till the end! Do your best! - once again good luck, and well... Have fun :)
I'm surely not gonna lose motivation, I rather hang myself than gaining weight again. My final goal would be something around 95-100 I believe. I can't see myself going any lower than that, atleast not at the moment, might change with the time.

It's a bit harder in the summer months, for me atleast, as there are usually a bit more parties and bbq etc. I wouldn't mind losing more till winter though ofc :)
dein Gewicht war 175 in 2009? Das ist übelst krass :)
Mein kleiner Tipp: Zink supplementiren und vor allem in der Küche definieren, und viel Erfolg!
Ich schätze, dass ich 2008 sogar noch wesentlich mehr wog und schon etwas abgenommen habe während meines ersten Jahres in der Uni, ohne es bewusst zu reduzieren. Wieviel genau kann ich allerdings nicht sagen und möchte es ehrlich gesagt auch garnicht wissen :)

Über die Sache mit dem Zink werde ich mich mal informieren :-d
are you doing weights in your workouts, or just those "get fit" routines?
Weights and other routines, it's in the German text above.
Do you go the gym or workout? Or are you just eating more healthy?
He needs to do both, at least I think so.
Breakfast: heavy on carbs (bread, muesli, fruits)
5 hours break
Lunch: mixed healthy meal (chicken, salad, vegs etc)
5 hours break
Dinner: heavy on proteins (chicken, vegs, no bread, no pasta, no rice etc.)

Turned my complete eating habbits by 180° last year in february and I'm still doing it without falling back to old habbits once. That is that I haven't been at McD or other fast food locations more than 2 times since then (and if I was there it was just because there was a real lack of time/other option) and haven't had any totally unhealthy dish ever since. Always having salad, fruits and lots of vegs on my plate.

And for the workout bit I'm doing a variety of exercises at home with and without barbells (short ones, 15kg each atm, 3 sets of 12-15 depending on the exercise) for most muscles there are, especially the big ones. Adding to that I'm walking 3-10 km each day, depending if I have to go shopping or not, as I have no car here and not using the public transport.
why not getting bike, helps alot too.
I rather walk somehow and adding to that I simply don't have the money atm to get myself a new bike, last one got stole at some house party. Atleast I think that's when it happened. Some drunk bastard must have taken it :-(
mm, happend to me same, got stolen my bike and luckly i could stole some other one, so i got brand new bike for free xD

Mostly when im not to lazy, i go on bike and ride for couple of km's, or making combo with playing football and after that riding with bike.
Try not to get an hernia.. I m serious about it take care about your position when working out ;)

and GL ALL!
Get a 2nd hand bike or find someone to give you one for free :P Here they give them away all the time for standard push bikes \o/
Nice going urtier, i hope it goes well for you good luck.

now get back to ET also and everything ll be fine
Sup fattie?:D
missing the shoutout to your online personal fitness trainer :P
Shoutout to him!
hummel geht steil
Weight Watchers 3.0 - A Gaming Community

how much more pathetic can you be :DDDDDD
love your humm3l-flame :D
just saying what everyone are thinking.

Damn, you's a sexy bitch, a sexy bitch
i guess he will missed et :<
is it just me or the girl looks like evilynn with a wig?
ahgahahhah xD
oh you, hummel
you so sexy

well, good to see you still have 0 taste in clothing 8)
No points in tailoring :(
care-o-meter is 100%
why would anyone post his gf on xfire, i mean it's private life and stuff.
As for losing weight gj, finally you realised that
this is not something you should share here :-)
gj keep going ;) i heared losing weight is not such a easy thing so respect :)
while i am trying to gain weight im failing i was 85kg since i stopped powertraining i dont want to eat much now im 78 wtf :s
good job, keep it up :D
no offense, i pesonally never had any problem with you. but this is just so fucking embarassing, i can't even put it into words.
-22 kilos...

... and still a potato
olol deine olle hat den koks kiefer
not bad ;p
deepest point of seriousness has been finally reached in the history of xfire
btw u have emo girl:-D weak up!!:-D
Incredible ugly guy
Why the hell you post pictures of your girlfriend to cf?

Good luck anyways.
sorry but your girl looks like a cheap whore
hummel kissin a playboy chick.aware
im trying to get more weight jeej
Dont know what all the hate is about
congrats on looking like a douche
congratz! but u shouldnt get only slim cause of a girl. ;)
cause u become slim when u feel better for yaself. u shouldnt make u addicted to anyone or because of someone imo!
It's good that she motivated him to lose on weight and stuff. Firstly I didn't understand what you mean, now I know. You are right ppl shouldn't be addicted to each other.
He has his own brain, own mind and his own point of view, if he wants to lose on weight that's good, even though she told him to do that..
Still working near polish border?
crossfire hero
"nigger shit polek"

I have to say gratz :)

I have lost 17kg in army during my first 5months and still going on :). Last time I was at this good physical shape when I played hockey at 15aged first division :)
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