Spy pigeon in custody

Just read a news article about Indian authorities having a pigeon believed to be a spy on an alleged spy mission from the Pakistanian goverment which the figured because it had a "suspicious looking ring" on its leg, which had a pakistanian phone number and an address, and this is the only evidence they have to support their theory. Armed guards are watching the pigeon in it's air-cooled security cell 24/7. Police supervisors have demanded status updates 3 times a day from the (interigation?) investigation!

Fucking Indians :D
LOL Marta come back to my window :(
Bara að lesa frétt um Indian yfirvöld hafa Pigeon
Talið að vera njósnari á meint njósnari verkefni frá Pakistanian
ríkisstjórn sem mynstrağur vegna þess að það hafði "grunsamleg hringinn" á
fótur hennar, sem hafði pakistanian símanúmer og netfang, og þetta er
Eina sönnun þeir verða að styðja kenningu þeirra. Vopnaður verðir eru
að horfa á dúfu í það er loft-kælir öryggi klefi 24 / 7. Lögregla
Leiðbeinendur hafa krafist stöðu uppfærslur 3 sinnum á dag frá
(Interigation?) Rannsókn!

Fjandans Indians: D
Have you come up with an escape plan yet
open my wings and fly away sounds like fun
Indians won this round, but the pigeons will be back!
Indeed! Waiting for further news.. wonder if the pigeon will crack and reveal it's secret!
I have been told by a confidential source that pigeons will never reveal their secrets to their enemies. They will never talk.
actually people living in india are not indians :)

i forgive you anyway :>
What are they then?

Indian may refer to:
Associated with India
Indian, described by demographics of India
A person belonging to one of the ethnic groups of India
i dont wanna brag about my history skills (theyre so little that im actually unable to brag about em) but afaik when columbus "discovered" america, he thought he discovered india thus he called the first american natives indians

here in belgium we call people from india indiërs :D but dunno if that exists in english!
Yeah you're right, he got lost and thought he was in india thus he decided the native americans were indians.. so technically it should be wrong to call the native americans indians because they were believed to be from india when the term was invented! But it applies to both, so :-)
It doesn't, people from India are Indian, but you wouldn't call them Indians as that would refer to the native american indians!
fucking delete your comment you pikey, I was winning that argument.
now now mr calm down! :D
See, even speaking your pikey language..
wanna bear knuckle box?
I'll jiu jitsu you !
You were winning the argument by completely ignoring the fact that people who belong to any of the ethnic groups of India are called Hindi. And the way the spainards called the native americans Indians, the muslims called the people from India Hindu.
Stopped reading after "you were winning the argument" was satisfied at that point!
It doesn't, people from India are Indian, but you wouldn't call them Indians as that would refer to the native american indians!
yeyeyye I get it now. Fu :-(
indianen = native americans
indïers = indians

ze hebben t veranderd eh
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