Villa stopping me from going to LAN

So as some of you know, I'm not able to attend AEF since I'll be in Portugal @ a niceeeee villa :D

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Sexy innit?

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cy@ xx
I like the random stuff. already forgot what the journal was about.
That's because the random stuff in journals are always the best.
We are going to Bulgaria once more this summer it seems, father already bought 220m² house for a week with own swimmingpool etc. How much was this for a week or so btw?
This villa costs just over £6,000 (€7,150) for 2 weeks.
Oh lol and how many m²? For our "villa" was something like 2200euros / week.
Dunno the exact size in measurements, but there's 5 bedrooms, a swimming pool, BBQ area, 2 lounges. Each room has an en suite bathroom too. We also have broadband, games room etc.
Are you going with many people? We are going with 4, so this 220 should be more than enough, and in the end you dont spend so much time in da house, just sleep there :D

luxury, thumbs up man
if you pay that much for a place to stay you might aswell stay there and bring the party to you!
11 of us, why go out when I can party there? :D
Protip: Go to Denmark, pay an eighth.
Protip: Portugal's hotter than Denmark.
But just as sunny if you're lucky :)
which gta server?
I'm surprised! blame vila!
Kaya Scodelario is some hawt jail bait.
rich parents putting money into your ass? :D:D with whom you go there?

enjoy it and write postcard :>
I'm not rich and neither is my mum (or dad for that matter but I don't live with him), we just like to do everything in style :D
aha :D these ppl are a rarity today! one cant learn to have good taste ;D

how can you afford it then? i want too :P
lol looks like a house from the OC :D
i read vila
Take me with u sean : <
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