EDIT Vila BAN Plz images error checked

Okay so woke up this morning to all this chat about Vila, Krosan and myself spoke to KB about it and he said that Vila is claiming the images were fake, these were the two used:


And another image given to show it could be faked with the same console


So we went sherlock holmes on the images using 2 products:


And then a program called JPEG Snoop

Results from Kamz pic (the original)
No edits found
Results from the edited one
Photoshop IRB detected

From what i can tell the original screenshot posted by vila was not edited and the second one given by vila/rafiki to show it can be done has been edited.

Kinda shows that it was an original and not edited screen shot ???

Vila told killerboy that he used photoshop in the original but we prooved that photoshop was not used on the original picture
so vila is claiming he faked his own picture?? wtf :D hes totally out of his mind
haha what a douche ;D
btw will ovr be banned aswell or just vila?
i feel sorry for chry cuz hes the nicest belgian i know :(

e: oh w8, after rhand and psyke <3
ye idd, chry is a nice guy, so it would be shit for him.. can't deny that ;(
de kers :-(
gaan jullie hem replacen?
niet egt ik vermoed als iemand gebanned word dat overload dood is
just vila i suppose
hmmm, I'm quite sure zeto knew, but lio, maus and cherry probably didnt know, so it would be pretty gay to have them banned aswell
so you aren't sure are you :P
that's what I mean, what if they DID know, then they should all be banned (but that's just the thing we don't know so ^^)
indeed, you can never proof if they knew it or not if they say they didnt knew it
Quote10:23 @eVo`i • krosan what will you do about aef?
10:23 @krosan • ban vila

I wonder what the overload management will do.
still can't ban him from CB right?
they obviously should
ofc, but I dont think they can based on a ss
Theres enough proof it's him, so why not. This is also the SECOND time he is busted.
cause a ss like this doesnt count as proof

compare it to a real life court, some things just can't be used as proof because its not '100% sure' or something like that

its fucked up, but just the way it works
rofl vila used like million excuses and all them were proven wrong :D..should be enough proof.. now that idiot tried to claim he faked his own picture, like wtf :DDDDDDDDDDD
Like I said, as long as it isnt 100% proof ClanBase can't ban him

this is complete bullshit, but its just the way it works
Clanbase != reallife court you know :D
they can ban whoever they want, it would upset the community though
I dont think anyone would sleep worse though if they banned him
I sure hope they ban him
Doesn't really matter if he doesn't get banned from CB or not. As I said before:

QuoteI used to refuse playing against them because of the obvious zeto. Sometimes I just had to play them because there was no-one else to play against :/ I now know for sure I'm never ever going to play against them again, I suggest everyone will do so :)
To me it does, they should be banned from CB
Ofcourse I want them banned to, just saying if it won't happen people just have to boycot cups where he participates in.
lets hope every1 does that then
only works if people actually can persuade others to do so.

In fact you might be a good person for it
Won't be that hard, since every player I know hates vila ;d
from what KB is telling me he cant ban on a SS as much as he way want to
if this aint banworthy then demos are also no proof
he actually said he photoshopped it(while he didnt) says enough, he could have said someone sent him the pic
no way to proof it was actually him who played now is there?
Ok, so you are claiming that someone fakenicked vila and also the rest of his team fakenicked and that fakenicker uploaded the screenshot of him beating kamz while wallhacking, made a screenshot and sended it to vila for him to upload ? That's just retarted :/
they admitted it last time and CB still couldn't ban them
I doubt anyone will play in a cup with overload in it now, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't get banned or not.
wrong one look up
I'm not claiming anything you retard, learn to read

I'm not defending vila in anyway, he's a complete moron

I'm just saying CB can't ban him and thats fucked up, trying to explain to ppl why, just like eVo and you start acting like a kiddo here
the screenshot is real cause apparently you can't do /scores when you watch a demo and evo just tested it out and it ain't photoshopped.. also it has vila's bind in it and he posted it himself to troll Kamz
check my comment above
maybe CB won't ban him because it doesn't fit in there categories of "how people should be busted" but any person with a normal mind sees that this is actually real proof
I don't believe CB can ban on this no
hmm, i think killerboy can gather enough evidence to ban him
and u think he will? he is a pussy

but well after all unbanning him will give him e-fame and he is always seeking for that.
Killerboy can
99% of the community wants him banned on what to me seems to be valid proof
e: add the commas yourself in this one:P
and btw rafiki is defending his buttbuddy way too much. i heard he has abused his admin status by reading private messages and sharing them to his buttbuddys (for example olbaa's priva messages)

ovr-zeto › what logs? just check your pm's, don't understand why you are spamming smileys here like i'm accusing you :p rafiki just showed me what you said to someone in pm

tosspot u should remove this cheaterloving cunt out of your group

EDIT: had a discussion with rafiki and he apologizes what happened. this happened when palehook case was on and rafiki searched for pms with 'palehook' -word involved. we all know zeto is his very good ebuddy but still he shouldnt have shared any of this with him.
why are people defending cheaters anyway :'(
rofl, insta-demote :/
should've seen the 'vila banned' 'vila unbanned' 'villa banned' villa unbanned' admin war

baggiez vs rafiki

was quite epic :)
different question:

how come olbaa showed up when you search the pm's for palehook? ":D"
zeto is a retard anyways :D
it's like 'i know' but in a sarcastic way x:
ofc its not a fake, if it was meant to be a troll or whatever he claimed it to be, why would he delete it as soon as he noticed what he did
hehe gj

"to worm": imo it would be a good decision to ban the team afterall since they "i think so" knew it he cheats and we dont need to talk about zeto..

i know it is shit for the team but you cant tell me that only vila is cheating there x))
there is some truth in your words :P
Can't we get some official statements?
too bad for chry and mAus :/
I remember that whole FF was banned for playing with gnajda, what about ovr? I don't know if rules have changed or not, I'm just curious
FF knew gnajda was obviously hacking like a little polish scum. in this case, others prolly didnt know
Of course, for example zeto had no idea...

oh wait...
That was action against polish scum. Everyone can udnerstand why they cheated agaisnt cheaters ( polish scum). But now, only vila went and did what he wanted. not the whole team
"Everyone can udnerstand why they cheated agaisnt cheaters "Lol? So for example if I would play against vila now, I am allowed to use cheats? Moreover as far as I remember ovr cheated also in random praccs not only against "polish scum".
Cheated against polish scum. And yes go ahead and cheat lol, who gives a fuck if a random dude starts cheating + he is polish.

Btw, just go to google.com , type ET wallhack and you can use it in every prac because PB is disable lol :d.
I'm not interested in hacking, just pointing out that you're wrong :P
I am never wrong
I don't know if you are usually right, but not this time.
Example -> http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=forum&mode=item&id=20964
Yeah, they all had to do it, because they couldn't stand gnajda cheating.

By the way, Im sure gnajda was cheating because of all these nerds whining about polish players, that was his action against retards.
QuoteEveryone can udnerstand why they cheated agaisnt cheaters


what a nerd
plz ur idiot or what ? "they didnt prolly know" :XD
ur biggest moron after villa or wat ?
Country: PL

You speak english , wtf ?
gtfo cheaterlover
Yes you are a cheaterlover. You are polish lol
oke brainless fuckin moron :)
You can't eliminate a team based on presumptions. There were different rules back then, new rules now.

And...what infect said.
Fake or not, banning him for 3-6 months is useless. He'll come back again, and play EC and EMS again.

On the other hand, we could ban him from all important leagues such as EC/EMS/Premier Leagues. I think this could be the solution if he is indeed cheating/busted.
Solution: Permanent ban to avoid more cases
i alwasy knew that rafiki was a fag:PP

brosan is teh man
what about checking vilas demo with show normals and searching for that situation?
i mean there are enough informations to quickly find the situation... he is axis and has 23xp... shouldnt be a problem imo
i think thats some mirc war
He decided to use cheats, because of polaks... just like the last time.
You decided to go red all over your face, because of polak...
red over my face? i have a perfect tan u nerd.

now su polak
su u too !

Yea... I bet you're perfectly calm right now...
yes im all ragging, now su polak
With players like Vila, permanent bans seem the best option.
Top players have been benefited always in this cases with little or no punishment at all.
SLAC wtf are you?
true, doubt he'll come back after this though
he couldnt stay away for the short time he was banned so I am not so sure about that :-p
I meant it more in a way like -the community wont let him come back (boycotts or w/e)-

You're probably right, he will most likely try to come back
Well yeah, I think people dont like me even if my ban was deemed wrong, just because I had it.

fuck, people seems to percept only what they want to see and read, errol my ex teammate even seriously spoke out official like I did infact serve a ban AND that I am a cheatcoder. :-D while both is wrong.

But then again vilango and his gang, even if not liked by the community, have performed many times on the CROSSFIRE LANs, and they stick together like glue and more or less only play together with themselves. :-p
So bascially what i'm reading here is that Sherlock "eVo" Holmes and his trusty accomplis John "Krosan" Watson have completely devastated Vila.

an accurate summary!
Vila this is for you
ctrl+w solves everything
vila doing everything he can to get away from it? :-p
2nd pic is sure a fake, look at XP
25 XP at left corner, 23 XP at the console

so SAD ...
He could won 2 battle sense points or 2 Lightweapon points and then self kill mate, its possible
don`t have et dude :(
no more et for him, i guess his life is over now =O
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