vila revisited :o

hello gay-community :)

did I understand it correctly, vila has posted a screenshot here on crossfire to make

some laugh at kamz, and didnt recognize, on the pic there was clearly a wh? I just

dont wanna search from all the posts, what really happened, and the original journal

seems to be deleted.
vila mad at kamz
vila post wh screen where kamz has 0/5
vila realize and start cry
vila sad
what HellHammer said :P
ofc its true gimp look the past 20 journals
heheh thats really epic pic. Should be put in the "best memores of crossfire"-folder :)
Describes the whole situation in just 4 pics, nice :;)
Quote by vila4th place just because I think they are overrated. Don't get why Night/Reload would be the best players in this game (Ok they won a lot, but so has England and Rooney alone won't make it either -> See Finland vs Estonia) . Night got his moments, if you want to call him the best player based on those, be my guest, I won't. Reload has unstable aim, might be awesome, might suck. They don't have a good mix with Night rifling and I don't think they are the top team they once were (because the others
lacked skill back then, don't know) karnaj is just a damaging fragwhore with no sense of teamplay and the others are just fillers.
is it a proof for banninig him? Dont think so :|
Wrong call to fuck with me. You are doomed man.
it has nothing to do with u, basiclly i agree they should search before opening a new journal
why should i search in all those journals if there is an alternative where i gonna get an answer and so save the time? Whats wrong with it?
jeh just do it
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